GoodStep (General Object-Oriented Database for Software Engineering Processes) - Has extended O2 database with schema updates, versioning, rules, views and concurrency control. Added some software engineering tools and evaluated it in two case studies. ESPRIT-III Project 6115; ended in 1995. -
LDB - LDB is a free object-oriented database management system built on top of SHORE 2.0. It supports ODMG ODL specifications and can handle most ODMG OQL queries using a query optimizer. [Open Source but copyrighted] -
Arcus - Project researches on architecture for business information systems with a focus on object oriented architecture of client/server applications. -
Shore - An academic project object repository (means e.g. no query language) with typed objects and a hierarchical namespace for C++ and maybe other languages. Serves as low-level storage infrastructure for more advanced database projects. Successor of EXODUS. [O -