Cook - Freeware - A make replacement featuring file fingerprints, dependency scanning, viewpathing, parallel threads, distributed rsh builds, cross compiling, and build actions in the "cook" description language. -
TrMake - Open Source - A modular makefile system for multi-platform C++ development in Unix environment using GNU make 3.80 or higher, featuring modular makefiles and transparent handling of dependencies and sources of multiple projects. -
Speedy Make - Freeware - A very simple make replacement that uses an XML file (reminiscent of Ant) to specify files and actions to be executed on those files. -
KJam - A make replacement based on Jam, with more powerful features than the original Jam. Features dependency scanning, per-target viewpathing, and control flow. Distributes builds across multiple cluster machines for faster builds. -
PBS - Open Source - A Make replacement written in Perl featuring hierarchical builds, dependency graph node triggers, no built in rules, PBS/Perl syntax for PBSfiles, a Perl API for the system, and shell or Perl build actions. -
Sham - Freeware - A tiny command-line prefix tool that can track dependencies for a file automatically without the need for a Makefile. -
SMK - Freeware - A make replacement, written in Python featuring global dependencies view, extensible dependency scanning, parallel build threads, multidirectory builds, automatic cleaning and extensibility via Python classes. -
Build - Open Source - A software build system implemented on top of GNU make featuring position-independent non-recursive multi-makefile include-based structure, complete inter-project dependency tracking, and extensible translator framework. -
Boost Build - Freeware - A Make replacement with a simple and high-level target language. It supports build variants, and several different compilers and tools. -
ElectricAccelerator - Electric Cloud - A make replacement that distributes builds across multiple cluster machines for faster builds. Features automatic code dependency detection (and correction in some cases), and plug-compatibility with GNU Make and Nmake. -
A-A-P - Open Source - A-A-P is an experimental make tool. Features include a special AAP makefile syntax, automated dependency support for Unix C programs, and a GUI interface written in Python. -
SCons - Freeware - A make replacement like Cons, written in Python and featuring MD5 file signatures, dependency scanning, parallel build threads, viewpathing, multidirectory builds, and Python build actions. -
PVM GNU Make - Freeware - A modified GNU make that uses the Oakridge PVM Parallel Virtual Machine to perform parallel distributed builds. -
Opus Make - Opus - A multiplatform make featuring dependency scanning, suffix-specific viewpaths, extended command and macro modifiers, CPP preprocessor directives, and iterators in the Make rule language. -
Odin - Freeware - A make replacement featuring dependency scanning, viewpaths, distributed rsh execution, cached derived files, variant builds, conditional directives, and an Odin rule language. -
Nmake - Lucent - Features dependency scanning, viewpaths, parallel and distributed rsh execution, a coshell, compiled makefiles, C preprocessor, variable editing, and a powerful Make rule language. -
NAnt - Freeware - Not Ant is like Ant, but uses C# and .NET technologies. -
MPI GNU Make - Chambeau - A modified GNU make that uses the MPI Message Passing Interface for excellent scalability on multiple machines. Authors now say use 'GNU Make -j' instead. -
Jmk - Freeware - A make program written in Java, featuring a traditional make description language and shell command target actions. -
Jam - Freeware - A make replacement featuring dependency scanning, per-target viewpathing, parallel threads, multiple platforms, variant builds, and control flow statements in the Jam description language. -
GNU Make - Freeware - A make program featuring pattern-matched viewpaths, parallel threads, multiple platforms, conditional directives, makefile regeneration, and an advanced Make description language. -
Cons - Freeware - A make replacement written in Perl featuring MD5 file content and build signatures, dependency scanning, viewpathing for source and derived files, multidirectory builds, and Perl build actions. -