Spyware Warrior
- Blog of spyware news developments, testing results for anti-spyware products, details of rogue products and forums providing advice and support for people with spyware infections.
- http://spywarewarrior.com/
Check Processes - Online application that scans screenshots of the Windows Task Manager and analyzes listed processes for possible infections. - http://www.checkprocesses.com/
D. Dugan & Company - A collection of articles about spyware removal and protection tactics, all of which are written by users. - http://dugancom.com/spyware/
Spy Watchman - Blog and news site regarding developments and removal tips. - http://www.spywatchman.com/
Malwarebytes - Service offering removal tools and prevention advice. - http://www.malwarebytes.org/
Spyware Adware Removal - A database of spyware-related articles and blog entries. - http://www.spywareadwareremoval.co.uk/
What-is-exe Process Database - Directory of computer processes, including those associated with spyware applications. - http://www.what-is-exe.com/
Security Cadets - A resource with guides for novice users and news about the spyware field, with a discussion help forum. - http://www.securitycadets.com/
Spyware News - A blog aimed at providing developments in the field of malicious software (specifically spyware) and assisting novice users with removal suggestions. - http://www.spywarenews.net/
CapitalTechSupport - A help resource aimed at assisting novice users in installing popular malicious software removal tools and using them. - http://www.capitaltechsupport.com/
Trend Labs Anti-Malware Blog - A blog published by Trend Micro reporting on recent malware outbreaks and discovered software exploits. - http://blog.trendmicro.com/
Database of Spyware Project - Open database provides information on spyware and other malware, along with manual removal instructions. - http://www.databaseofspyware.com/
MalekTips - Software-specific tips provided for several popular antispyware applications. - http://malektips.com/removing_spyware_and_adware_help_and_tips.html
Webhelper's CWS Diaries - An online diary about the dealings of the companies that publish and distribute spyware and other threats. - http://webhelper4u.net/whmembers/index.htm
McAfee SiteAdvisor Blog - A blog published by the McAfee SiteAdvisor team pertaining discovered spyware companies and tactics. - http://blog.siteadvisor.com/
Spyware Security - A blog with news articles pertaining to internet and spyware protection. - http://www.spywaresecurity.net/
RunSafe - Software that allows Windows users to allow only certain selected programs to be run with administrative rights, to prevent the installation of spyware in an administrative account. - http://www.runsafe.com/
Destroy Adware - Provides definitions of common malware terms and tutorials on how to protect against malware. - http://www.destroyadware.com/
It Pays To Read License Agreements - Explains that if a person gets spyware and adware on his or her computer, it could be because he or she agreed to it. - http://www.pcpitstop.com/spycheck/eula.asp
AnySpyware - An article database that also includes human HijackThis log analysis. - http://www.anyspyware.com/
Vitalsecurity.org - A blog concerning spyware, malware, and mistakes that several of the big computer companies make. - http://www.vitalsecurity.org/
The Art of Noh - A weblog on security, spyware, viruses and malware in general by Costin G. Raiu. - http://www.noh.ro/blog/
FreeSpywareFixes - A collection of articles that pertain to Spyware and Adware, all by different authors. - http://www.freespywarefixes.com
Anti-Spyware Coalition - A group dedicated to building a consensus about definitions and best practices in the debate surrounding spyware and other potentially unwanted technologies. - http://www.antispywarecoalition.org
Spyware Alert - An archive of spyware-related news articles. - http://www.spywarenews.org/
Nevyan's Tips and Tricks - Blog with assorted articles on spyware commingled with other computer-related articles. - http://nevyan.blogspot.com/
Spyware's Most Wanted - Instructions for beginners on how to install and use the most common paid and free anti-spyware products. - http://www.removingspywareforfree.com
Spyware Warrior - Weblog waging war against spyware. - http://netrn.net/spywareblog/
Wikipedia - Spyware - A very detailed look at what spyware is, how it attaches itself to computers, and the common methods of prevention. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spyware
AIM: Getting More than You Bargained For - eSecurityPlanet columnist Ray Everett-Church says AOL's Instant Messenger software gives him more than he bargained for. - http://www.esecurityplanet.com/views/article.php/3549656
Computer Security Advisor - A beginner's guide that explains the basics of the levels of intrustion, and tells what to look for in programs which defend against each. - http://www.cosead.com/index.php
Malware Help.org - News article database featuring articles submitted by users about malicious software threats. - http://www.malwarehelp.org/
ProcessLibrary - Windows processes listed by name; a resource for determining whether a particular process is necessary, superfluous or even harmful. - http://www.processlibrary.com
Process ID - List of common Windows processes with information on what they are and if they are a threat to a PC. Additionally includes a list of software used to remove spyware and viruses. - http://www.processid.com/index.html
Spyware Daily - Spyware news blog with news about the latest threats and news from the industry. - http://www.spywaredaily.com
Unwanted Links - Explains the threat of malicious software, how to detect it, and how to remove it. Also discusses who it affects and how it affects them. - http://www.unwantedlinks.com/intro.htm
Free Internet Security.info - News, articles, guides, and information about how to keep computers secure from spyware and adware. - http://www.freeinternetsecurity.info/
AntiSpy Web - Anti-spyware software downloads, prevention articles, and live threat alerts. - http://www.antispyweb.com/
Ben Edelman - Doctoral student involved in spyware related research and investigations into associated unethical practices. Includes research papers, news, biography and presentations given. - http://www.benedelman.org/
SecurityFocus - Article about spyware keyloggers, how they work, how to remove them and prevention of keystroke capture. - http://www.securityfocus.com/infocus/1829
Spyware Removal - Information and resources regarding spyware and how to remove it. Get up-to-date information and removal instructions regarding the latest spyware and adware threats. - http://www.re-quest.net/computers/spyware/index.htm
Pctorium Computer Management - A website dedicated to helping users learn about computers and how to fix spyware, adware, viruses, trojans or any other issues you may have. - http://www.pctorium.com
TeMerc Internet Countermeasures - Information on preventative measures, details of the malware community good guys and bad guys, and of specific spyware threats. Includes help forums. - http://temerc.com/
SpywareInfo - Forums offering assistance on spyware removal. Also offer a weekly newsletter, a chat room and an online scan provided by XBlock. - http://www.spywareinfo.com/
Doxdesk - Information on how to prevent infection, lists of reputable and rogue products, database of known parasites and glossary of terms. - http://www.doxdesk.com/
Spyware Removal Tutorial - Several articles about how to find remove and prevent spyware. Includes an optimization tutorial as part of the clean up process. - http://spyware-removal.digitalcrunch.com
CEXX Org - Counterexploitation - Detailed descriptions of various spyware, adware, and other parasitic software. Includes instructions for removing many common and not-so-common spyware and adware programs. - http://www.cexx.org/adware.htm