Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection
- The RAID workshop series is an annual event dedicated to the sharing of information related to the intrusion-detection area.
University of California Santa Barbara: Reliable Software Group - Works on languages and tools for designing, building, and validating software systems - with a focus on threat detection and analysis. Includes details of projects and staff profiles. -
Common Intrusion Detection Framework (CIDF) - Aims to develop protocols and application programming interfaces so that intrusion detection research projects can share information and resources and so that intrusion detection components can be reused in other systems. -
Minnesota Intrusion Detection System (MINDS) - Research project focused on the development of high-performance data mining algorithms and tools that will provide support required to analyze the massive data sets generated by various processes that monitor computing and information systems. -
Intrusion Detection Analysis: A Case Study - A case study/research paper providing detailed analysis of several anomalous network events to illustrate the techniques for examining alerts and logs generated by a network intrusion detection system. -
EMERALD (Event Monitoring Enabling Responses to Anomalous Live Disturbances) - SRI International's EMERALD (Event Monitoring Enabling Responses to Anomalous Live Disturbances) research project is a distributed scalable tool suite for tracking malicious activity through and across large networks. -
Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection Symposium 2004 - International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection. Held in conjunction with ESORICS 2004, September 15-17, 2004. The RAID International Symposium series is intended to advance the field of intrusion detection by promoting the exchange of -
Thor - Research project that utilizes network attack variations to make more precise statements about the detection capabilities of an IDS. -
Intrusion detection articles - Selected articles and papers related to intrusion detection research. -
COAST Intrusion Detection Pages - Perdue University's clearinghouse for intrusion detection information. Includes overviews, policy, detection methods, and tools. -
ResearchIndex, IDS section - ResearchIndex is a scientific literature digital library that aims to improve the dissemination and feedback of scientific literature, and to provide improvements in functionality, usability, availability, cost, comprehensiveness, efficiency, and timeline -
Survivability Research and Analysis (CERT) - Research focuses on methods of improving the technical approach of identifying and preventing security flaws, limiting the damage from attacks, and ensuring that systems continue to provide essential services despite of compromises or failures. -
Intrusion Detection User Group - A group mailing focusing on security information management, intrusion response, intrusion detection, intrusion prevention, intrusion management and honeynets/honeypots. -
System Design Laboratory Intrusion Detection - Research institute actively involved in intrusion-detection research since 1983. Research focuses on EMERALD: Event Monitoring Enabling Responses to Anomalous Live Disturbances, a system designed to detect and respond to network attacks. -
M-Correlator - A mission-impact-based approach to INFOSEC alarm correlation. -
Intrusion Detection Research Group(NCSU) - The Intrusion Detection (ID) Research Group at NC State University was formed by Dr. Peng Ning in August 2002. -
Intrusion detection projects at UC Davis - Anomaly Detection in Database Systems, Common Intrusion Detection Framework, Intrusion Detection and Isolation Protocol / IDIP, Intrusion Detection for Large Networks, Misuse Detection and Workshop for Intrusion Detection and Response Data Sharing. -
The Center for Secure and Dependable Software(University of Idaho) - Hummer is a distributed component for any Intrusion Detection System ; Magpie is a hierarchical network of lightweight, mobile, and adaptive tools designed to both investigate and guard against intrusions. -
Computer immune systems (University of New Mexico) - Four examples of how we are applying ideas from immunology to today's computer security problems are a host based intrusion-detection method, a network based intrusion-detection system, a distributable change-detection algorithm, and a method for intentio -
Intrusion Detection in Columbia University - This project is a data-mining based approach to detecting intruders in computer systems. The project approaches the intrusion detection problem from a data-mining perspective. Large quantities of data are collected from the system and analyzed to build -
Intrusion detection at the MIT Lincoln Lab, Information Systems Technology Group - Information Assurance focusing on techniques for detecting and reacting to intrusions into networked information systems. We have coordinated several evaluations of computer network intrusion detection systems. -