EventLog Scan - Scans event logs for high security events happening on your machine. - http://www.EventLogScan.com
Xentinel Digital Security - Offers 'hacker free' website security certifications, in conjunction with the scanning services offered. - http://www.libredehackers.com/
Vulnerability Scanning Solutions, LLC - Offers assessment, analysis, firewall testing and port scan services for home and business users. - http://www.networkscanning.com/
Firewall Test and Port Scan at AUDITMYPC - This online security audit is free, extremely fast and provides immediate results designed to promote security awareness. - http://www.auditmypc.com
ScanAlert - Vulnerability testing and security verification. Provides real-time independent verification of a Web site's security. - http://scanalert.com
Security Point(R) Scanner - Analyzes a company's Internet security through the internet with their own SPScanner security tool. - http://www.secpoint.com
SecurityMetrics, Inc. - Web based security services to detect and repair security vulnerabilities on multiple platforms. Internal and external security solutions, provides vulnerability assessment, and intrusion detection systems. - http://www.securitymetrics.com/
Edgeos - Offers vulnerability assessment services. Based in Chandler, Arizona. - http://www.edgeos.com/
ScannerX - A web based ASP of the Nessus scanning engine and proprietary programming and vulnerability assessment tools. - http://www.scannerx.com/
It-sec - Free online security scan of ones computer, tests for open Netbios, Netbus, and Back Orifice. - http://www.it-sec.de/vulchke.html
Sense of Security - Network auditing service. - http://www.senseofsecurity.com/
HackerWhacker - Free Internet based security scanner site that will provide a report on what personal information is available to hackers over ones Internet connection. - http://www.hackerwhacker.com/