David Cumps - Programming and other technology topics, by a .NET developer. Focus on coding tips, screenshots, and topical explanations. - http://blog.cumps.be
Thinking Parallel - A weblog about parallel / concurrent programming. - http://www.thinkingparallel.com
Engineering the Web - Programming tips focused on web standards, by a group of custom programmers. - http://www.xml.lt/Blog/
nithinkamath.info - Linux and programming from the perspective of a student in India. - http://www.nithinkamath.info/
Smart Software - Software developer Wesner Moise's musings on .NET, technology, entrepreneurship and Microsoft. - http://wesnerm.blogs.com/net_undocumented
Mundus Vult Decipi - Personal blog of random projects and experiments, mainly hacking and cracking. - http://mundus.vult.decipi.com/
No Wow - Juergen Kreileder occasionally writes about Linux, Java, security, and Apple. - http://blog.blackdown.de/
[monty]'s blog - Topics include security, programming, .NET. - http://choosing-a-blog-url-sucks.blogspot.com/
Joel Padot - Linux, programming, design and general computer posts. - http://www.joelpadot.com/
HTNet - Mostly technology and business-centric writing from Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia. - http://www.heritage-tech.net
Indefinite Articles - Articles on technology, politics, law, and philosophy. - http://undefined.com/ia/
HAHAHAHA(HAx4)'s Limerick - Technology, life, and other words that piled up. - http://hax4.blogspot.com/
Damien Katz - Blog of a programmer. - http://damienkatz.net/
The Regenerate Web - Ramblings on software product development. - http://regenerateweb.net/
Geek Style - Unix and network techie news and commentary. - http://farrokhi.net/blog/
Axodys - Covering computers, the Internet, sports, politics, scripting, writing and movies. - http://axodys.com
.NET from India - A blog focusing on .NET, other Microsoft technologies and things related to India. - http://www.dotnetindia.com
Javability - Jean-Marc Autexier's Weblog about Java, Linux, Zaurus and other IT news. Some entries are in German. - http://www.autexier.de/jmau/blog/
Ardent Dev Blog - Blogging on software development and related topics. - http://www.ardentdev.com/Blog/
CotéCode - Notes on programming from Coté, via podcast. - http://www.drunkandretired.com/
Joel on Software - A weblog by Joel Spolsky, a programmer working in New York City, about software and software companies. - http://www.joelonsoftware.com/
IUnknown.com - John Lam's weblog on software development. - http://www.iunknown.com
ComputerZen.com - XML, .NET, design patterns, software architecture and development. Written by a MSDN Regional Director. - http://www.hanselman.com/blog/
Advogato - Community resource site for developers of free software; news and blog. - http://www.advogato.org/