Temple, Steve - A personal blog on issues relating to software and software development. Particularly the .NET languages. - http://www.stevetemple.co.uk
Topala, Gabriel - Resume. Family pictures. SIW, a Read-Only/Display-Only System Information program. Display password hidden behind asterisks tool. CPU and Memory Usage tool. - http://www3.sympatico.ca/gtopala/
Tokatli, Deniz - Resume. Photos from CA and Turkiye; Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir. Music. - http://www.denizt.com/
Toia, Matthew - Fiftyvolts Diagnostic - Code snippets, bug reports, programming advice, list of current projects, and software downloads. - http://www.fiftyvolts.com/
Tybrandt, Klas - Programming in Pascal, assembler and C++. Also Ti83 section. - http://hem.passagen.se/klas82/indext.htm
Tanner, Russ - Includes list of search engines, his own software, and cancer information. - http://russtanner.com/
Tardieu, Samuel - Brief personal information, recent developments (Ada, Erlang, Forth, Palm), links. - http://www.rfc1149.net/
Torvalds, Linus - The creator of Linux. - http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/torvalds/
Terms Tech - A programmer shares his knowledge of C\C++, music and puzzles. - http://www.termstech.com/
Thornton, James - Web developer and consultant, Dallas, Texas. Repository for his writings, software, muses, and recommended readings. - http://jamesthornton.com/
Thelin, Johan E. - Illusions of the Future - Contains sections on 3D programming, the creation of a GUI and compiler design and implementation. - http://www.etek.chalmers.se/~e8johan/altindex.html