Hodorog, Bogdan - Personal information, work experiences, fun stuff, links and some photos. - http://www.bogdan.hodorog.home.ro
Hinds, Michael - Web Nerd - Includes guides for Linux, Oracle, OpenACS, Tcl, HTML, JavaScript and other web based technologies. Also contains some personal stuff, such as photographs. - http://www.michaelhinds.com/
Harvey, Charlie - Homepage features writing about free software; image archive; code; newsfeeds; booze-u-lator; and contact details. - http://charlieharvey.org.uk/
Hokanson, Eric B. - All Things Geek - Personal site of custom geek projects and the geek culture in general. - http://www.allthingsgeek.com/
Hirsl, Nemanja - Some open source programs includes: 3D Visualization of EEG coherence OpenGL GTK+ program; Java applets. Paperwork. Links. - http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mr97352/
Holst, Laurens - Blog, articles and information about programming for the MSX computer system, web standards and anime. - http://www.grauw.nl/
Hall, Alfred - Computer programming and networking utilities, Web Design showcase, and Multimedia Gallery. - http://mysite.verizon.net/vze25vhv/
Haughey, Duncan - 4-Developers.com - Software development management related articles, templates. Software, and book recommendations. - http://www.4-developers.com/
Hidayat, Satriyantono - Software Engineer and Web developer. Live in Jakarta, Indonesia. About, qualifications, works and thoughts, friends. - http://satriyantono.net/
Hawkins, Bradley - Porting GNU applications and libraries to Win32 without the use of cygwin, UWIN. RPG/Gaming. - http://www.bradleyhawkins.org/
Hunter, Sandra Patricia - CV, resume. A Java applet, a simple Perl cgi script, some animated GIFs, Povray project (with Scott Van Achte), some papier mache work (boxes, furniture and bowls). - http://members.shaw.ca/redbirdofthesouth/index.html
Hall, Christopher - Programmer of Machine Translation and Voice over IP applications. About, favorites, education and employment. Some photos. - http://www.employees.org/~hall/