Florin, Patrascu - Analyst-programmer at CONEL Romania. Resume, family and country photos. - http://www.patrascuflorin.home.ro/
Forsythe, Tim - Rumblefische's Page - Includes a description of the various kinds of random text generators, and includes examples of some of the more complex types written at Javascript. Also collection of Javascript Delta-T calculators, Perl blogging script. - http://www.rumblefische.com/
Federighi, Dale - Resume. Music, programming and family sections. - http://www.federighi.net/
Forno, Richard - InfoWarrior.org - Bio, speaking schedule, books. Information technology news, articles, reviews, tutorials. Also messageboard. - http://www.infowarrior.org/
Faisal, Muhammad - About. Picture gallery. Oracle 8, Java, JavaScript, Visual Basic sources and links. - http://faisalmb.itgo.com/