- Publications, papers, articles, books, events, conference photos, linking agile software methods with the lean manufacturing movement. Mary and Tom Poppendieck.
- http://www.poppendieck.com/
Lean Programming - Full merged text of Poppendieck articles, from Software Development Magazine, May-June, 2001, with references. Agile Alliance. - http://agilealliance.org/show/783
Lean Software Development: Expect Zero Defects - Treats ideas and benefits in a historical development context, with references. By ObjectWind Software. - http://objectwind.com/papers/LeanSoftwareDevelopment.html
Lean Could be Newest Trend in Software Design - Brief background article; Cincinnati Business Courier. - http://cincinnati.bizjournals.com/cincinnati/stories/2003/01/27/newscolumn2.html
Lean Software Development - Short white paper, explains main ideas, with tables, references. By Dasari Ravi Kumar. - http://www.projectperfect.com.au/info_lean_development.php
Lean Software Development Overview - Concise article. Lean is not a management or development methodology per se, but offers principles usable in any environment to improve software development: underlying principles, influences, references. Darrell Norton's Blog, MVP. - http://codebetter.com/blogs/darrell.norton/articles/50341.aspx
Archive for the 'Lean-Agile Straight Talk' Category - Weblog page with several insightful postings on Lean issues, links to fuller presentations; by Net Objectives Thoughts. - http://blogs.netobjectives.com/category/podcasts/lean-agile-straight-talk/
Agile vs. Lean Software Development - Weblog post, clear explanations and comparison of both methodologies. Sphere of Influence Inc. - http://sphereofinfluence.com/soiblogs/tscheer/archive/2005/09/19/159.aspx
Lean Cincinnati - Blog on lean software development, unites lean business models and agile technology; by Mark Windholtz. - http://leansoftwarecincinnati.blogspot.com/