XP Montreal - Discussion group for XP users in Montreal. - http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/xpmontreal/
XP Melbourne, Australia - A venue for XP enthusiasts in Melbourne, Australia to meet and share experiences and strategies related to agile methods, including XP - http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/melbourne_XP_enthusiasts/
XP Austin, TX - Yahoo! Groups site for a group of people in Austin, TX, who discuss and practice Extreme Programming. - http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/xp-austin/
Irish XP SIG - Home discussion list for the Irish XP SIG. - http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/xpsig/
SPA-NW - A group specifically devoted to round-table discussion of agile software development practices and processes. Group serving the UK's northwest. - http://www.bcs-spa.org/cgi-bin/view/SPA/SpaNw
Category Xp Users Group - A public list of Extreme Programming user groups across the world. [Wiki] - http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki?CategoryXpUsersGroup
Calgary Agile Methods User Group (CAMUG) - CAMUG provides a focal point for the use of agile methods in software development organizations in Calgary. - http://godzilla.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/camug/
BayXP - The San Francisco Bay Area XP Users Group. - http://www.jera.com/bayxp/