SqueakVM.org - Offers implementations for Unix and Windows with source code for 32 and 64 Bit systems. - http://squeakvm.org/
Squeak for EPOC - Port to EPOC32 OS (Psion 5/5mx/7/revo): description, mail list, screenshots, links. [Open Source, OSI] - http://rodablo.freezope.org/squeak/
Squeak VM for iPAQ and Other Windows CE Platforms - How to run Squeak on iPAQ and other Windows CE systems: descriptions, links, contact, downloads. - http://www.is.titech.ac.jp/~ohshima/squeak/WinCE/
Squeak/Zaurus: ZauChu - Port to Sharp Zaurus PDA; descriptions, many explanations, downloads, links. By Yoshiki Ohshima. - http://www.is.titech.ac.jp/~ohshima/squeak/squeak-zaurus-e.html
Squeak for EPOC Project Info - Coded in Squeak, C++; support, contact, CVS; English, EspaƱol. [SourceForge] - http://sourceforge.net/projects/squeakepoc/
Squeak on the Helio - Port to VTech Helio, with 75 MHz MIPS CPU, running PocketLinux: description, screenshots. - http://www.huv.com/uSeeker/smalltalk/helio.html
SqueakNOS - Squeak No OS project, to run Squeak with no other OS under it, and implement all functionality in Smalltalk. Descriptions, downloads, news, mail list, CVS. [SourceForge, Open Source] - http://sourceforge.net/projects/squeaknos/
BeSqueak Project - Port to BeOS: description, FAQ, mail list, screenshots, contact, links. [Open Source, OSI] - http://www.csarsfield.com/besqueak/
FTP site: USA, UIUC - Many Squeak ports: old to new; Mac, Unix, Win32/CE. - ftp://st.cs.uiuc.edu/pub/Smalltalk/Squeak