Objectivity/Smalltalk - Makes interface to Objectivity/DB ODBMS fully transparent to Smalltalk developers. Database software library that links with the application program instead of using separate data server process. - http://www.objectivity.com/Products/ProductsSmalltalk.shtml
GemStone/S - A platform for developing, deploying, and managing scalable, high-performance, multi-tier applications based on business objects. - http://www.gemstone.com/products/smalltalk/
MinneStore - Free object-oriented database management system for Dolphin Smalltalk/98, Visual Smalltalk, VisualAge Smalltalk, VisualWorks Smalltalk, Squeak. Provides storage and retrieval of complex Smalltalk objects. - http://minnestore.sourceforge.net/
VOSS - Adds transparent persistent object transaction processing to Smalltalk, allowing the application developer to concentrate on the application rather than the mechanics of storage. - http://www.logicarts.com/