Mike Cowlishaw - Creator of REXX and NetRexx. - http://domino.research.ibm.com/comm/research_people.nsf/pages/cowlishaw.index.html
Andrei Zatsev - Collection of REXX programs. KEDIT macros, utilities for Object Rexx, WinRexx and BRexx. Also time/date subroutines. - http://computer-addict.freshlinks.net/d/rexx.htm
Sahananda'a REXX bits and bobs - Utililities and code snippets for REXX including calendar and folder browse classes for OODialog under Object REXX. - http://www.sahananda.fwbo.net/Rexx/
Ian Collier - REXX/imc interpreter, introduction, news, links and related applications. - http://users.comlab.ox.ac.uk/ian.collier/Rexx/