z/OS Unix Tools and Toys - Includes Rexx function package with stream I/O commands, file services, environment variables and immediate commands. - http://www-03.ibm.com/servers/eserver/zseries/zos/unix/bpxa1ty2.html
VMCMS.com REXX Programs - KEDIT macros, object REXX, Winrexx utilities, REXX utilities, and time and date functions. - http://vmcms.freshlinks.net/d/rexx.htm
Lionel B. Dyck - OS/390 Freeware page includes ISPF and REXX related tools and toys. - http://www.lbdsoftware.com/ispftools.html
A few ISPF or OS/390 Tools and Toys - ISPF extensions, development aids and system information. By Doug Nadel, ISPF developer. - http://www.sillysot.com/mvs/
GSF Tools & Docs - A system programmers toolkit by Gilbert Saint-flour. Includes information on VSAM support in Rexx. - http://mywebpages.comcast.net/gsf/tools/
TSO Times - from Chicago-Soft. Back issues contain several Rexx utilities. - http://www.chicago-soft.com/tsotimes/
Joanna Gordon - Includes sample ISPF application for IMS online image copy utility. - http://www.systemprogrammer.com/
Mark's MVS Utilities - Large collection, mostly written in Rexx or CLIST. - http://home.flash.net/~mzelden/mvsutil.html
Roy Gardiner - ISPF tool, Dataset Display Facility. Utility actions on remembered dataset list. - http://www.roygardiner.com/