RPG World - An IBM AS/400 and iSeries education event held in the Spring and Fall of each year. It is training for IBM AS/400 and iSeries RPG IV programmers for which session information and registration forms are presented. - http://www.rpgworld.com/
IBM RPG - Wikipedia - The encyclopedia article covers language overview, history, and evolution and offers information RPG IV and platforms and links. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_RPG
RPG for OpenVMS - An IBM RPG II compatible compiler which runs under OpenVMS. It can be used to migrate software applications written in IBM RPG II, VAX RPG, WANG RPG, Sperry RPG, WANG RPG, Unisys RPG and other versions of RPG to HP OpenVMS. - http://home.earthlink.net/~msi1/Migration-RPG.html
Caravel - Translates 100% of the RPG systems to Java. By TransTOOLs, Inc. - http://www.transtools.com/products/en/caraveli.htm
LazyRPG.com - Cheetah Code Generator creates client server systems with very minimal input. Target system may be network or AS/400 based with or without network clients accessing AS/400 DB2 databases. - http://www.lazyrpg.com/
RPG911 - AS/400 RPG Programmer/Analyst offers full life cycle application development and IT services, on-call and virtually anywhere. - http://www.rpg911.com/
RPGNext.com - Devoted to the main development language of the IBM eServer iSeries (a.k.a. AS/400), RPGIV in the Integrated Languages Environment: ILE. - http://www.rpgnext.com/
Linoma Software: RPG Toolbox - Allows to modernize RPG programs, write applications and maintain source code. Its devolpers offers manual and brochure. [Commercial, trial version] - http://www.linomasoftware.com/products/rpgtoolbox/
Bryan Meyers iSeries RPG IV Training - Bryan Meyers, author of "RPG IV Jump Start" and "Programming in RPG IV," offers RPG IV and ILE training and books for the iSeries (AS/400) platform. - http://www.bmeyers.net/
Capricorn Information Systems - Information technology firm specializing in application development for AS/400 and iSeries customers using VisualAge RPG. - http://www.capricorp.com/
Function Junction - 170+ preprogrammed ILE sub-procedures including date, string, math, data queue, array, time, statistics, finance functions for the iSeries AS/400. - http://www.gsssi.com/fjentry.html
RPGIV.com - RPG focused forum for AS/400 developers. - http://www.rpgiv.com/forum
ASNA, Inc. - Amalgamated Software of North America focuses on Windows and Web development environments for AS/400 and Microsoft NT/2000 Server. Products: Visual RPG/Caviar (AVR), Acceler8DB, DataGate/400; Database Toolbox for C++, Java, VB. San Antonio, Texas; Europea - http://www.asna.com/
RPG Alive - A tool for analyzing and modifying RPG source on iSeries (AS/400). RPG-Alive speeds up the development of applications by adding graphical elements to the OS/400 Programming Development Environment (PDM). - http://www.rpgalive.com/
Mid Range Consulting/Systems of New England - Certified IBM Business Partner providing AS/400 training and consulting on RPG, RPGIII, RPG/400, RPGIV, and ILE RPG. - http://www.midr.com/
St. Louis AS/400 - RPG programming, LAN integration, remote connectivity, hardware and software. - http://www.st-louis-as400.com/
J & C Migrations - Convert RPGII, RPGIII, RPG/400 and CPG applications to readable structured COBOL. Target environments include COBOL for MVS, MF COBOL, and ACUCOBOL-GT. - http://www.jcmigrations.com/