YaPiG - Yet Another PHP Image Gallery - A simple image gallery featuring web admin tool, template system, user comments, visit stats and multilingual support. Requires GD lib, but no SQL. [GPL] - http://sourceforge.net/projects/yapig/
MicroScripts - Software for sites with functions such as HotOrNot, image galleries, and dating software. [Commercial] - http://www.microscripts.net
Idut Gallery - A PHP gallery system which does not use a database. It can be customised and incorporated into an existing website or on its own. [GPL] - http://www.veadas.net/idut/idutgallery/
Wabbit PHP Gallery Script - Wabbit PHP Gallery Script is a customizable, small, easy-to-configure gallery script. Skinnable by CSS templates, menu-like interface, valid XHTML 1.0. - http://wabbit.arnoldcistai.net/
Pyxy-gallery - A simple one-file PHP script using AJAX to generate an image gallery. [Open source, GPL] - http://fennecfoxen.org/pyxy/gallery
Coppermine Gallery - Powerful and flexible PHP/MySQL based gallery script. Requires GD Lib or ImageMagick. [Open Source, GPL] - http://coppermine-gallery.net/
Singapore - PHP based, requires GD Lib or ImageMagick. Focuses on layout and presenting the images, rather than complexity or ease of use. [Open Source, GPL] - http://www.sgal.org/
Gallery4All - A simple and rapid dynamically generated thumbnail gallery. The pictures are structured in categories and subcategories, and the URLs can be generated with mod_rewrite. [Open source, GPL] - http://sourceforge.net/projects/gallery4all
PHP Photo Album - Easy to install and use PHP Photo Album, with no need of database. Web installer. - http://www.phpalbum.net/
PHP Pic-o-matic - Script for creation online picture galleries with showroom and albums. [Freeware] - http://www.popwars.de/Pic-o-matic
PHP JackKnife - Easy and powerful gallery software. Built-in Aricaur integration so you can sell prints and gifts of your images. Uses PHP, MySQL/MSSQL, GD or GflAX. - http://www.phpjk.com
PhotoPost - A PHP/MySQL based gallery that can integrate with vBulletin and other forums for one user login and for a consistent look and feel. [Commercial] - http://www.photopost.com
Image Photo Gallery PHP Script - A PHP script for automatically creating a picture gallery from a folder. Just upload script file to a directory with pictures and see the gallery. No database is needed, and no thumbnails are created. Free, but no licensing information. - http://www.php4script.com/
fileNice - free php file / image browser - fileNice is a free, open source, skinnable, php file browser with Flickr functionality, slideshows and other features. It uses AJAX (XMLHttpRequest) to update pages without reloads. - http://filenice.com/
AmIGeekOrNot - PHP software used to run "Am I Geek Or Not" and similar services. It requires Apache and MySQL. [Open source, GPL] - http://sourceforge.net/projects/amigeekornot/
ImageThumb - A PHP script that create thumbnails on the fly for a given image, whether it is local ore remote. Currently supported formats are GIF, PNG and JPEG. - http://www.olivo.net/software/imagethumb/
phpGraphy - A full featured photo collection/gallery PHP script. [Open Source, GPL]. - http://phpgraphy.sourceforge.net
mmgallery - A simple slideshow script written in PHP. [Open source, GPL] - http://www.mmgallery.net/
MiniGal - A simple, easy to use, image gallery script with skin support. Displays EXIF, user comments and image captions. Multiple image upload through browser based admin interface. No database required. Language files now supported. - http://www.minigal.dk/
Funkgallery - A free PHP and MySQL based full function and customisable photo gallery system. - http://www.funkgallery.com/
phpAutoGallery - An auto-indexing picture gallery in php. - http://phpautogallery.sourceforge.net/
LinPHA -- The PHP Photo Archive - Install script makes installation easy for the novice. Multilingual features. Requires MySQL/PostgreSQL. [GPL] - http://linpha.sourceforge.net/
yappa: yet another php photo album - Online PHP Photo, Picture and Image Gallery Script with automatic thumbnail creation, on the fly resizing of images. Album oriented configuration. Requires no database [GPL] - http://www.zirkon.at/zirkon/scripts/yappa-ng/yappa-ng_main_eng.html
OTF Gallery - Minimalistic gallery, which requires GD and promises minimal setup. [GPL] - http://sourceforge.net/projects/otfgallery/
TFT Gallery - Only PHP and GD or ImageMagick are needed for TFT Gallery. The images are uploaded either via FTP or via the admin area, the thumbnails are generated automatically. Includes PDF and ZIP generation of carts or whole directories. [GPL] - http://tftgallery.sourceforge.net/
I-Rater - Image rating script similar to hotornot.com. Demos, FAQ and online order. - http://www.i-rater.com/
Image Management System (IMS) - A PHP written software intended for use by webspace hosts. It allows to provide a comprehensive image uploading and management system for clients. [Commercial] - http://www.webligo.com/products_ims.php
Exhibit Engine - Endless configuration possibilities for the power user. PHP/MySQL based. Requires GD Lib or ImageMagick. [Open Source] - http://photography-on-the.net/ee/
Softbiz Photo/Image Gallery Script - Act as a collection of private and public image galleries. Members or administrator can create public or private galleries. Public galleries are accessible to all. While read/write access for the private galleries can be restricted. [Commercial] - http://www.softbizscripts.com/image-gallery-script-features.php
Photos GalleryHP - Album scripts which automatically create thumbnails, resize pictures, and paginate output where appropriate. [Commercial] - http://www.galleryhp.com/
phpGrabComics - Grabs and saves comic strips from the web. It is avaible as PHP web application, as desktop background, as command line script and in other versions. - http://www.baravalle.it/phpGrabComics/
Gallery - A flexible and multi-featured photo album system for PostNuke. Sample galleries are provided on-site as a demonstration of it in action [Open Source, GPL]. - http://gallery.menalto.com/
MonAlbum - An PHP/MySql based application which goal is to manage a photo album on the Web. [Open source, GPL] - http://www.3dsrc.com/monalbum/
Gallerize - Create photo galleries or paysite member areas with ease. Automatic generation of JPG thumbnails and gallery pages. By PHPLabs. [Commercial] - http://www.phplabs.com/scripts/Gallerize
webYourPhotos - An easy to use picture gallery script, written in PHP. [Freeware] - http://www.webyourphotos.info/
Simple Picture Gallery Manager - SPGM displays picture galleries on the web. [Open source, GPL] - http://spgm.sourceforge.net/