YapGB - Yet Another Php GuestBook - A free guestbook system that does not require an external database. Features: edit/delete messages, fully customizable appearance through a theme system, admin notification and custom timezone. - http://yapgb.sourceforge.net/
COOL Guestmap 2 - A guestmap is like a guestbook, with the difference that a visitor can pick an icon, place it anywahere on the map, and attach a message to it. [Freeware] - http://www.brainerror.net/scripts_php_guestmap2.php
Smart GuestBook - PHP script for guestbook with add message, message listings and administration sections. [Commercial] - http://www.smartphpscripts.com/guestbook/
HIOX GuestBook - Can be added in to any webpage. File based utiliy with configurable look and feel. [Freeware] - http://www.hscripts.com/scripts/php/gb.php
Flumpcakes Guestbook - A flat file based guestbook, designed for speed and easy implementation. [Freeware] - http://flumpcakes.co.uk/php/guestbook/
E-Guest Pro - Full-featured system including multi-pages display, various sorts, No. per page, search and entry counts. [Commercial] - http://www.esoftpro.com/product.php?pid=eguestpro
GBook - Allow visitors to comment your website. This guestbook script supports smileys, instant e-mail notification. [Freeware] - http://www.phpjunkyard.com/php-guestbook-script.php
Cute PHP guestbook - PHP based guestbook requires no configuration and no database. Features: Bad words filter, number of messages per page, total messages to keep in record, emoticons with comments. - http://searchall.iwebland.com/index.php?action=detail&id=1086399301
PHP Smart Guest Book - Flash and PHP based interactive animated guestbook. [Commercial] - http://www.smartwebby.com/web_products/PHP/flash_guestbook/
WSN Guest - Fully templated PHP/MySQL guestbook which allows unlimited custom fields. [Free with crediting text in footer and outgoing emails or commercial] - http://scripts.webmastersite.net/wsnguest/
Jax - Simple application with multilanguage support. Saves data to csv-text file. - http://www.jtr.de/scripting/php/guestbook/index_eng.html
Ardguest - Provides guestbook script that made by PHP. [Free and commercial versions] - http://www.promosi-web.com/script/guestbook/
Adelio Animated Classic Guestbook - Guestbook using PHP, Flash animated (e.g flipping pages), and mySQL database. Also exist ASP/MS Access version.[Commercial] - http://guestbook.adelio.com/