MPW Oberon - A compiler for the Oberon language for the Macintosh Programmer's Workshop (Version 3.0 or later). -
StOberon - An Oberon compiler for the Atari St. (FTP Dir) -
The Oxford Oberon-2 Compiler - Documentation for the Oberon-2 compiler available at Oxford. -
Lightning Oberon - Implementation in context of Microsoft .NET platform; interoperable, imperative OO language, simpler, more economical, powerful, scalable than similar languages. ETH Language Interoperability Project with Microsoft Research. -
Optimizing Oberon-2 Compiler: OOC - Oberon-2 development platform: optimizing compiler, several source code and compiler related tools, set of standard library modules, reference manual. [Open Source, LGPL] -
Pow! - Programmers Open Workbench: free 32- or 16-bit environment for building Oberon-2 programs for Windows. - - Firm specializes in 32- and 64-bit native code Modula-2 and Oberon-2 compiler development, support, international distribution, for Compaq OpenVMS Alpha and VAX, x86 PCs with Linux, OS/2, Windows 95/98/NT/2000. Trial version downloads, data sheets, 64 bit -
Oberon-2 and Modula-2 Compiler for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX - Modula-2 and Oberon-2 native-code compiler for Compaq Alpha and VAX under the OpenVMS operating system: Alpha Oberon is ideally suited for program development in industry and research and serves commercial and scientific applications as well as teachi -
Oxford Oberon-2 Compiler - Portable compiler that translates Oberon-2 into bytecode. This implementation is in use at Oxford on SparcStations and 386 PCs under Solaris, on 386 PCs under Linux, and on 386 PCs under DOS. The compiler is written in Caml Light, and the runtime system -
Ofront - Oberon-to-C translator; free downloads that can be used to create demo programs that identify themselves as such when started from Unix shells. [commercial] -
Jacob - Small Oberon-2 compiler for Linux. -
Oberon for GNU/Linux - Oberon System V4 (Johannes Kepler University Linz) A complete IDE including compiler, debugger, class browser, development libraries, network programming (TCP/IP, WWW, a complete web browser), and database connectivity. -
Excelsior Native XDS-x86 - Optimizing ISO Modula-2 and Oberon-2 compiler for x86 platforms, allows intermixed dual code. Free download of Personal Edition for private, non-commercial use, for Linux, Windows. Other uses need license purchase. [commercial] -
Oberon System and Compiler Implementations (OSCI) - Comprehensive comparison, with tables, links to project and product home pages. This list can help new and experienced Oberon users to find suitable implementations for education and application development. -