1st Easy Limited - Ecommerce packages using the Miva Merchant store front and WorldPay online payment solution. - http://www.1steasy.com/
Search Engine Optimization for Miva Merchant - Learn all about search engines, marketing, and how to optimize your Miva Merchant store with this newsletter. It contains articles, module reviews, tips. - http://www.jmhonline.net/searchmiva
Bear Canyon Commerce - Hosting, development and training in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Create online catalogs and E-Commerce shopping carts. - http://www.bearcanyoncommerce.com/
Merchant Software - Tools to enhance online stores, tips and free utility software. - http://www.merchant-software.com/
W-3Productions.com - Offers MvCoder, a Miva Script editor; Hookpoints.exe, an aid for OpenUI development; and other software and services. - http://w-3productions.com/
iHostPlanet - Web hosting and development, including Miva Merchant. - http://www.ihostplanet.net/
Electronic Processing - Shopping cart, web hosting, merchant accounts, and a technical discussion board. - http://www.merchant-solution.com