Ajax Patterns - A wiki with principles, gotchas, frameworks, and common techniques. Also the homepage for the "Ajax Design Patterns" book. - http://ajaxpatterns.org/
MyAJAX - An object-oriented implementation for AJAX JavaScript made for ease of use. - http://sourceforge.net/projects/myajax/
Jigsaw - A simple JavaScript framework for AJAX. Includes download, brief overview, and examples. - http://www.sandaru1.com/2006/08/28/jigsaw/
Ajax Daddy - Offers a collection of scripts using Ajax. - http://www.ajaxdaddy.com/
Two Birds - Provides contact info, download area for framework and link to technology prototype. - http://www.phpbuero.de
AJAX in Java - Jaxcent provides a Java API for DOM. Allows trusted sites to do AJAX style programming without JavaScript. - http://www.jaxcent.com/
Encosia - ASP.NET AJAX tutorials and code examples. - http://encosia.com
AJAX Courseware - Full color AJAX courseware suitable for 3-day training focusing on real-world topics such as using SOAP envelopes, processing JSON data and building an online word processor. - http://www.ajax-courseware.com/
AJAX Training in San Francisco - A hands-on instructor led training class offered in San Francisco Bay Area. Course emphasizes practical experience and covers topics like JSON and SOAP. - http://www.academyx.com/training/san_francisco/ajax/
BestAjaxScripts.com - Ajax scripts & tutorials. All scripts are absolutely free and have demos, so you can try before installing it. Also ,it has a great search tool to find the scripts and tutorials you need. - http://www.bestajaxscripts.com
miniAJAX - A showroom of nice looking simple downloadable DHTML and AJAX scripts - http://www.miniajax.com
Gaia Ajax Widgets - An ASP.NET 2.0 Ajax Widget library - http://ajaxwidgets.com
Introducing the Dojo Tree Widget - An introduction to the dojo tree widget. Includes building in HTML and programmatically in javascript. Also covers RPC data binding (ala ajax) - http://willcode4beer.com/ware.jsp?set=dojoTreeWidget
Ajaxlines - Ajaxlines is a project focused on providing its audience with a database of most of Ajax related articles, resources, tutorials and services from around the world. - http://www.ajaxlines.com
The very popular Mastering Ajax series from IBM - The author, an Ajax expert, demonstrates how Ajax technologies work together -- from an overview to a detailed look -- to make extremely efficient Web development an easy reality and make you the Master of Ajax. - http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/search/searchResults.jsp?searchType=1&searchSite=dW&searchScope=dW&query=mastering%2bajax&Search.x=0&Search.y=0&Search=Search&ca=dgr-wikiaMasterAjaxSeries
OpenAjax Alliance - An organization of vendors, open source projects, and companies that are dedicated to the successful adoption of open and interoperable Ajax-based web technologies. Includes list of members, news, and details of events. - http://www.openajax.org/
xWire Framework (AJAX Toolkit) - xWire is a mature, object-oriented, enterprise-class open source AJAX toolkit that contains numerous useful features and widgets. - http://xwire.solutionPioneers.com/
Purefect Desktop - Open Source Web Desktop (a.k.a Webtop and Web "OS") that provides Web-based AJAX IDE, Instant Messenger, and its APIs. - http://www.purefect.org/
Direct Web Remoting - DWR - A Java open source library which helps developers wanting to write web sites that include AJAX technology. - http://getahead.org/dwr/
Ajax Training Course by Marakana - Ajax Training Course explains how to distribute the application between the client and the server by using the nested MVC design pattern. You will learn how to make your application to be flexible and maintainable. - http://marakana.com/training/ajax/ajax.html
JSLog - Lightweight ajax logger. takes the place of alert() boxes for AJAX and DHTML applications. - http://earthcode.com/blog/2005/12/jslog.html
Fork JavaScript - A general purpose, namespaced JavaScript library with Ajax, Events, DOM manipulation. Good documentation, subversion source repository and download. - http://forkjavascript.org/
Ajax Projects - Ajax portal for all ajax projects frameworks toolkits and tutorials. - http://www.ajaxprojects.com
Ajaxdo - Provides an easy, open source database persistency framework for JavaScript objects. Enables runtime loading, saving, deleting, and listing of JavaScript objects stored on the server database. - http://www.spacebug.com/projects_ajaxdo.html
AsH: Top 126 Ajax Tutorials - Collection of Ajax Tutorials. - http://vyk1.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!EBE3A761F939F926!1051.entry
Ajax Cookbook - A web site devoted to publishing small, reusable snippets of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS that are generally useful to developers of Ajax web sites. - http://ajaxcookbook.org/
Ajax and XUL - Ajax and XML-related tutorials. XUL authoring. The Xul Dev project. - http://www.xul.fr/xul.html
xajax PHP Class Library - xajax is an open source PHP class library that allows you to easily create Ajax applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. - http://www.xajaxproject.org/
NanoAjax - An open source AJAX (XMLHTTPRequest) Framework with an object oriented PHP Backend. Package multiple (virtual) requests in one real AJAX request. Uses JSON for smallest data transfer. - http://www.nanoajax.org
Dojo - the Javascript Toolkit by the Dojo Foundation - http://dojotoolkit.org/
Sardalaya - Cross-browser interface that aims to make dynamic HTML programming easy and fun. - http://www.sarmal.com/sardalya/
Developing Rich Internet Applications with AJAX Training Course - Hands-on AJAX training course for developers who are looking to develop Rich Internet Applications using Asynchronous JavaScript and XML technologies. Public courses available in London, UK and custom courses delivered globally. - http://www.jbinternational.co.uk/index-AJAX-training-uk-introduction.html
Feather Ajax - An easy-to-use light AJAX library - http://celtickane.com/programming/code/ajax.php
Google Web Toolkit - Java software development framework that makes writing AJAX applications like Google Maps and Gmail easy for developers taking care of browser and platform incompatibilities and modularity issues. - http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/
Ajaxium - Makes ASP.NET pages and all controls AJAX-enabled but leaves them accessible to all search engines and old browsers. - http://www.ajaxium.com
Ajax.NET Professional Library - Ajax.NET Professional is the first available .NET AJAX framework. As it is working with .NET 1.1 and 2.0 and with all common web browsers including mobile devices it is one of the greatest libraries available. - http://www.ajaxpro.info
KFM - Kae's File Manager - An Ajax file manager for PHP, which may be used stand-alone, or as a plugin for a rich text editor. - http://kfm.verens.com/
Ajaxtalk - Asynchronous Javascript and XML discussion board. - http://www.ajaxtalk.com
AjaxApp.com - A forum-site for the discussion of interactive web-based application development based on Open Source Technology such as PHP, J2EE, DHTML & AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML)technology - http://www.ajaxapp.com
Sote Design using prototype - The Web 2.0 style website designing using Prototype Javascript framework - http://snyke.net/blog/2006/03/25/site-design-using-prototype/
Linb Framework - Provides a framework designed to allow developers to code in a more targeted, clear and efficient manner. - http://www.linb.net
wddxAJAX - ColdFusion library for AJAX - an AJAX framework for ColdFusion using WDDX protocol for exchanging data between ColdFusion and HTML page - http://ajax.bloggers.it
Ajax Tutorial - Ajax programming tutorials for newbies - http://www.ajaxtutorial.net
SAJA - Secure AJAX for PHP - A lightweight AJAX framework for PHP allowing encrypted data to be trasmitted over non-encrypted channels. - http://saja.sourceforge.net/
The XMLHttpRequest object - Specification by W3C, of the base of AJAX. - http://www.w3.org/TR/XMLHttpRequest/
Ajax Impact - A portal on Ajax containing news, articles, tutorials, toolkits, sites using Ajax, Ajax Demos etc. - http://www.ajaximpact.com/
AJAX Magazine - Reference for AJAX, Asynchronous Javascript and XML, with news, articles, tutorials, and implementations. - http://ajax.phpmagazine.net
Ajax Training - In this Ajax training course, students learn to make calls to the server with JavaScript and to manipulate XML content returned from the server. - http://www.webucator.com/WebDesign/JSC401.cfm
Ajax Lessons - Resource for ajax tutorials as well as information surrounding Ajax and web 2.0. - http://www.ajaxlessons.com/
Dajax - an ajax framework, provides a set of simple interfaces for creating web UI components and rich internet application. - http://www.dajax.com
Rialto - Rich Internet Application Toolkit - Rialto is a cross browser javascript widgets library. Because it is technology agnostic it can be encapsulated in JSP, JSF, .Net or PHP graphic components. - http://rialto.application-servers.com
Aspects of AJAX - Aspects of AJAX is a platform and engine for developing responsive and interactive web applications by using and extending the browser platforms to a Rich Client System. - http://www.mathertel.de/AjaxEngine/
AJAX Goals - AJAX community website featuring articles, books, blogs, news and libraries. - http://www.ajaxgoals.com/
AJAX Cross-browser Implementation - A guide to implementing cross-browser AJAX websites using the Sarissa library. - http://www.yourhtmlsource.com/javascript/ajax.html
Google AJAXSLT - Google's AJAXSLT is an implementation of XSL-T in JavaScript for AJAX applications. Includes links for downloading. - http://goog-ajaxslt.sourceforge.net/
Atlas - Provides the implementation of AJAX technology introduced by Microsoft. - http://atlas.asp.net
AJAX by Mozilla Developer Center - A comprehensive guide on getting started with AJAX including articles, tutorials and links to other useful websites. - http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/AJAX
WebPasties : XmlHttpRequest - Detailed tutorial that explains how to creating an AJAX ZIP code database including a PHP/MySQL backend. - http://www.webpasties.com/xmlHttpRequest/
AJAX Matters - An informational site providing Asynchronous JavaScript and XML development information including code libraries, sites using ajax, and books on ajax. - http://www.ajaxmatters.com
Ajax.NET - Documentation and downloads for an AJAX library that uses .NET for the backend. - http://ajax.schwarz-interactive.de/csharpsample/default.aspx
ONLamp.com: Ajax on Rails - Curt Hibbs demonstrates the use of Ajax within Ruby on Rails applications. - http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2005/06/09/rails_ajax.html