Apache Tomcat - Download, documentation and tutorials for the straight-forward servlet container and Web server. - http://tomcat.apache.org/
Tomcat User Mailing List - Searchable web archive of the Tomcat User mailing list. - http://www.nabble.com/Tomcat---User-f342.html
Tomcat Basics - Tutorial help develop Web applications with the Tomcat engine. - http://hostinghelps.com/tomcatbasics/
Gefion LiteWebServer - Small web server and servlet runner, based on Apache Tomcat. [Open Source, BSD-like] - http://www.gefionsoftware.com/LiteWebServer/
ONJava.com: How Servlet Containers Work - Budi Kurniawan demonstrates a basic Java servlet container. - http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2003/05/14/java_webserver.html
Quick Guide to Apache Tomcat - Fast tutorial on configuring and using Apache Tomcat for desktop development of Java servlets and JavavServer Pages (JSP). - http://archive.coreservlets.com/Using-Tomcat.html
GNU-Paperclips - The Java Servlet engine of the GNU-Project. It was designed to be small, fast and easy to use. In designing this way we have separated some of the components out into sub-projects. GNU-Paperclips fully implements the Servlet API version 2.3. [Open Source, - http://www.gnu.org/software/paperclips/
Tynamo Web Server - A fast, conditionally compliant HTTP/1.1 server and Servlet 2.2 container specifically designed for embedded Java devices, including TINI, JStik, SNAP, and EJC. - http://tynamo.qindesign.com/
Dwarf HTTP Server - Fully-featured web server with Java Servlet API 2.2 and Java Server Pages 1.1 implementation. [Shareware] - http://www.gnome.sk/Dwarf/dwarf_http.html
Jetty Web Server - A HTTP Server and Servlet container written in 100% Java. [Open source, Artistic-like License] - http://jetty.mortbay.com/
ServletExec - Allows you to deploy servlets on Microsoft's IIS server - http://www.newatlanta.com/products/servletexec/product_info/overview.jsp
Internet Server - Servertec's embeddable servlet engine. Includes product and support information. - http://www.servertec.com/index.html
Resin - Resin servlet container. Has elements of a full J2EE application server, but makes a small compact servlet engine too. - http://www.caucho.com/