Weft MaybeUpload Servlet - A package intended to ease the creation of upload servlets (BSD-style license). - http://www.weft.co.uk/library/maybeupload/
CoolServlets.com - Free, open source Java servlets. Guestbooks, csmailform, postcards and email packages. - http://www.coolservlets.com/
GifServlet - GifServlet is a base class enabling you to generate GIF images from a servlet. - http://www.javasource.org/GifServlet/
Melati - An application development toolkit built on top of Java servlet technology. - http://melati.org/
Web Progressor - A server-side component for easy creation and manipulation of client-side progress bars. - http://www.sunwesttek.com/wp/jsp/
Gomba - A collection of Java servlets that allow developers to quickly build REST-style web services that expose data accessed via the JDBC API to the Web. [Open Source, Apache license 2.0] - http://gomba.sourceforge.net/
JetSpeed - Servlet implementation of an open protocol GroupWare product. The backend (search engines, news, weather, POP3/IMAP/LDAP/NNTP, database) will be based on other open source packages. [Open Source, BSD-like] - http://portals.apache.org/jetspeed-1/
JERSS - Integrate RSS newsfeeds into a Web site with control over presentation. - http://www.jayeckles.com/news/
JFormMail - A generic HTML form to e-mail gateway that parses the results of any form and sends them to the specified users. It 100% compatible with Matt's original FormMail script. [Open source] - http://jformmail.sourceforge.net/
JUpload - Uploading file servlet, includes demo. - http://www.vixa.com/jupload/