- The fast Java decompiler. Separate versions for Win32, OS/2, most Unixen. Large choice of command-line and GUI front-ends available. [Free for non-commercial]
- http://www.kpdus.com/jad.html
SourceTec Java Decompiler - Patch to Mocha which defeats Crema. [Shareware] - http://www.srctec.com/product/javadecompiler/
Mocha - Hanpeter van Vliet's first Java Decompiler. Orphaned at Java 1.02, so crashes on inner classes. [Freeware] - http://www.brouhaha.com/~eric/software/mocha/
JADO (Java Decompiler And Obfuscator) - A decompiler for Java which is platform independent and has options to obfuscate the class file also. [Open source, Public Domain] - http://sourceforge.net/projects/dcompiler
JCavaj - A free Java-based Java Decompiler. It uses Jode as its Java decompiling engine. [Open source, GPL] - http://www.bysoft.se/sureshot/jcavaj/
Cavaj Java Decompiler - A freeware utility that reconstructs java source code from CLASS files. You can browse the reconstructed source code with the Class View for instant access to methods and fields. It uses Jad as its Java decompiling engine. [Freeware] - http://www.bysoft.se/sureshot/cavaj/
JReversePro - Decompiler/disassembler written entirely in Java. Provides facility to inspect constant pool contents. [Open Source, GPL] - http://jrevpro.sourceforge.net/
SourceAgain - Java Decompiler for Win95/NT, Unix, web-based trial version from Ahpah Software. [Commercial] - http://www.ahpah.com/product.html
dis - A functional, fast and simple disassembler that is written in C. Like javap, produces bytecode. Download Solaris, Win95/NT versions. Mac or other Unixen or source code by email request. [Freeware] - http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~benjasik/dis/index.html
JODE (Java Optimize and Decompile Environment) - Java decompiler with full source code. Supports inner/anonymous classes. Also contains a small, but extensible bytecode obfuscator/optimizer. [Open Source, GPL] - http://jode.sourceforge.net/