EJB Benchmark - Archived version of an 2002 article presenting a benchmark application comparing the relative performance of five EJB design idioms. - http://www.anthillpro.com/blogs/devil-in-the-details/2006/10/09/1160422620000.html
Java Optimization - Benchmarking articles, books, and links. - http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~jch/java/
Java Server Benchmarks - Covers network computing with Java, including Web-based dynamic content delivery (servlets), business object frameworks, and multitier transactional data acquisition. - http://researchweb.watson.ibm.com/journal/sj/391/baylor.html
AppPerfect Corp. - Offers a Java/J2EE testing solution including profiler, code analyzer and unit/functional/load tester and agentless monitors and controllers for Windows/Linux/Solaris J2EE application servers, databases, SNMP and web servers. [Commercial] - http://www.appperfect.com/
Distributed Testing Framework - Designed to test all aspects of distributed applications with centralized control . Distributed tests on windows, linux, other clients using STAF (and eventually other P2P tools). Tests are written in Java. [Open Source, BSD license] - http://sourceforge.net/projects/dtframework/
Jameleon - Automated testing tool that separates applications into features and allows those features to be tied together independently, creating test cases. [Open Source, LGPL] - http://jameleon.sourceforge.net/
iValidator - A framework for the automation of complex test scenarios intended for use in the integration testing process. [Open Source] - http://www.ivalidator.org/
Test Mentor Java Edition - A functional test and test modeling tool offering four aspects: test modeling and documentation, test creation, test execution and test results management. [Commercial] - http://www.silvermark.com/Product/java/stm/index.html
DevPartner Java Edition - Features distributed application analysis, memory, performance, and code coverage analysis plus thread deadlock detection, design and code validation. [Commercial] - http://www.compuware.com/products/devpartner/java.htm
Zyntax Java Serialized Stream Extension for Rational Suite TestStudio - An adaptor for testing applications that use Java Objects for communication between clients and servers. It can be used to produce scripts for load, stress and performance testing on the application. [Commercial] - http://www.zyntax.com/jss.php
Testare - A testing framework for distributed applications with built-in support for in-container testing providing support for test environment management and introspection techniques such as fixtures, global fixtures, test environment probes and guards. [Open Sou - http://www.thekirschners.com/software/testare/testare.html
Jtest - A tool that does unit and code compliance testing of Java classes and auto-generates JUnit test cases from a running application. [Commercial, trial version] - http://www.parasoft.com/jsp/products/home.jsp?product=Jtest
Java Performance Tools - Overview of Java performance tuning tools for the HP UX platform. [HP resource] - http://h21007.www2.hp.com/dspp/tech/tech_TechDocumentDetailPage_IDX/1,1701,1620,00.html
jMock - A library for testing Java code using mock objects. [Open source] - http://jmock.codehaus.org/
MockEJB framework - A lightweight framework for running EJBs outside of the container for unit testing. [Open source, Apache Software License] - http://www.mockejb.org/
Harness - An object oriented framework that facilitates functional testing of software written in Java. It is based on the concept of test cases and uses XML as input/output format. [Open source, GPL] - http://sourceforge.net/projects/harness/
GJTester - An implementation of the Computer-Aided Software Testing (CAST) paradigm. It provides a powerful GUI to accomplish Java unit and regression test without programming effort. [Commercial] - http://www.gjtester.com/
Welofunc Performer - A load test tool with a special focus on J2EE applications [Open source, GPL] - http://www.welofunc.com/
QStudio for Java - Code quality assessment and quality control tool for Java development; integrates with Eclipse, JBuilder, JDeveloper, NetBeans, VisualAge. [Shareware] - http://www.qa-systems.com/products/qstudioforjava/
HttpUnit - Automates website testing, including form submission, JavaScript, basic http authentication, cookies and automatic page redirection, and allows Java test code to examine returned pages either as text, an XML DOM, or containers of forms, tables, and links. - http://httpunit.sourceforge.net/
JBench - A simple Java benchmarking framework. It provides an easy way to compare algorithms, and virtual machines, for speed. [Open source] - http://www.yoda.arachsys.com/java/jbench/
GrandTestAuto - A tool for the comprehensive testing of Java applications. GrandTestAuto uses reflection to run tests and check that they properly cover all public classes. [Open Source, Wide Open License] - http://grandtestauto.org/