Viewtier Devenv - A simple command-line development environment manager that allows reproducible Java builds. [Shareware] -
A Complete Makefile Setup for Java - Comprehensive makefile for building Java class files, RMI stubs and skeletons, JNI header files, JAR archives. [Freeware] -
JFig Java Configuration Management Tool - A Configuration utility that provides simple, flexible and powerful functionality for managing one or more configurations in a java environment. It uses a combination of a hierarchy of configuration files, substitution variables and property variables. [O - A Make Tool for the Java Language - An automated dependency analysis tool, which acts a drop-in replacement for javac, from Sun's skunkworks. It maintains a dependency database to only compile the minimum necessary. [Freeware] -
JMK - Make in Java - Utility for maintaining files in a consistent state, designed to support the task of writing platform independent make files. [LGPL] -