XBrowser - Java application for browsing the web. Requires Java 2. [Open Source, GPL] - http://xbrowser.armondavanes.com/
oakland software Java HTTP Client - A plug compatible with the java.net.HttpURLConnection class HTTP client has many features not provided by the Java/Sun implementation including HTTP NTLM client authentication support on a non-Windows platform, connection pool throttling, connection/reque - http://www.oaklandsoftware.com/product_http/overview.html
HttpRevealer - A utility program get to see all the HTTP request/response headers. It helps to debug web applications, Flash applications and web server. [Commercial with source, trial with time and function limited] - http://www.httprevealer.com/introduction.htm
Jazilla - open-source web browser written in Java (a port of Mozilla, aka Netscape Navigator). [Open Source, MPL] - http://jazilla.sourceforge.net/