Wouter's Programming Language Page - Chronological historical overview of all languages author has designed, and sometimes implemented, over the years. Some of them (E, False, Bla, Aardappel, SHEEP) have own pages. Descriptions, some code samples, a few images. - http://wouter.fov120.com/proglang/
The Language List - Has over 2,500 programming languages, past and present; with some other computer information. Maintained by Bill Kinnersley. - http://people.ku.edu/~nkinners/LangList/Extras/langlist.htm
Programming Languages - For those who think the world begins and ends with C++ or Java, here's an incomplete list of languages with descriptions. - http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~susan/cyc/p/prog.htm
Web Programming Languages - Surveys current and planned languages and interfaces for developing World Wide Web based applications; prefaced by discussion of traits of such languages. - http://www.objs.com/survey/lang.htm
SAL - Languages and Compilers - Big collection programming language implementations. - http://www.sai.msu.su/sal/F/1/
Ron Heuse - Collected information on approximately 2350 computer programming languages, including timeline. - http://www.heuse.com/coding.htm
Programming Languages List - An extensive listing of programming languages with descriptions. - http://oop.rosweb.ru/Other/
Language list - Alphabetical annotated list of programming languages. - http://home.nvg.org/~sk/lang/lang.html
HyperNews Computer Language List - Programming language definitions and links to other similar websites. Includes bibliography, abbreviation finder, forum. - http://www.hypernews.org/HyperNews/get/computing/lang-list.html
Dictionary of Programming Languages - Compendium of computer coding methods assembled to provide information and aid appreciation for computer science history. - http://cgibin.erols.com/ziring/cgi-bin/cep/cep.pl
Advanced Programming Languages - Useful links about programming languages. Describes the syntax and semantics of programming. - http://lsi.uniovi.es/~labra/APL.html