- Open source development for D: many projects, project and general forums, Subversion source control, bug-tracking, distribution, tutorials, website news.
- http://www.dsource.org/
leds_editor, Yahoo Groups - Forum to discuss leds (Light Editor for D Simple) issues. - http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/leds_editor/
wxD - wxWidgets bindings for D language, cross-platform GUI library, supports Windows, Macintosh, and Unix-like OSs with X11/Motif/GTK+. - http://wxd.sourceforge.net/
gdcmac - GNU D Compiler (GDC) for Mac OS X (10.3/10.4). Easy-to-use packages to install D. Descriptions, downloads. - http://gdcmac.sourceforge.net/
The Language Machine - Software toolkit for language and grammar. Uses Chomsky's most general grammar, unrestricted (type 0), to manipulate language directly. Useful for powerful translators. Coded in D, via gdc, GCC D front-end. Description, documents, downloads. [Open Source, - http://languagemachine.sourceforge.net/
SynSoft D - Libraries: synsoft.text.token, synsoft.win32.perf modules; full help, as HTML (compiled and not, MSDN format). [Synesis Software Pty Ltd.] - http://synesis.com.au/synsoft/d.html
MySQL for D - Driver for D: download tar file, brief instructions, code examples. - http://www.steinmole.de/d/
leds - Light Editor for D, to edit source code. Builds on DUI toolkit (a binding to GTK+) and Scintilla editor. [Open Source, GPL] - http://leds.sourceforge.net/
d.vim - D syntax file (script) for Vim text editor. [Open Source, Vim online] - http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=379
DUI - D graphical User Interface: language binding to GTK+ graphical toolkit and OpenGL Extension GtkGLExt. Allows making GUI programs; supports Linux, Windows. [Open Source, LGPL] - http://dui.sourceforge.net/
D.NET - Compiles slightly modified D source code into .NET compatible assemblies; 2 download files: source (annotated), binary. - https://mywebspace.wisc.edu/daaugustine/web/d/
dAntFW - To be a D application development framework, integrates: DUI D GUI, leds editor, dpq PostgreSQL pd library wrapper, glade-2 interactive designer, xmld XML parser. [Open Source] - http://dantfw.sourceforge.net/
D Language Laboratory - Professional game programmer makes 2D/3D games for Windows coded in D; has yaneSDK4D Game Development Library, runs on Linux and Windows, uses SDL and openGL. Descriptions, downloads. English, Japanese. [Open Source, LGPL] - http://www.sun-inet.or.jp/~yaneurao/dlang/english.html
Ben Hinkle's Page - For D: GMP interface, classes; documents of port of concurrent Java library, Emacs mode, template for array creation and va_array, simple double ended queue (deque), minimal template library. For C: trial faster std.stream. [Open Source] - http://home.comcast.net/~benhinkle/
ABA Games - Several action games for Windows, coded in D, need OpenGL, display handling by Simple DirectMedia Layer, source code available. English, Japanese. [Open Source] - http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~cs8k-cyu/index_e.html