Raisonance - Developers of C compilers and other development tools for microcontrollers (such as 8051, ST7, STR7, and STR9 and smart cards. Includes a support sorum. - http://www.raisonance.com
The Z88 Development Kit - A C cross compiler for the Z80 CPU with libraries for mainly Z88 but also ZX Spectrum VZ200/300, NC100/200 and other Z80 based computers. - http://www.z88dk.org
Microchip PICmicro C Compiler - For Windows and Linux, as well as an integrated development environment and tools. Support all the PIC12, PIC14, PIC16, and PIC18. By CCS, Inc. [Commercial] - http://www.ccsinfo.com/
Altium, Ltd. - Makes TASKING brand IDE, compiler, debugger, embedded Internet and RTOS offerings, support wide range of DSP and 8/16/32-bit microprocessors and microcontrollers for all areas of embedded communications. - http://www.tasking.com/
Cosmic Software - Provides C cross development tools and services to embedded systems engineers using microcontrollers from Infineon, Motorola and STMicroelectronics. Tools include IDE, ANSI Compilers, Simulators and real-time debuggers. - http://www.cosmic-software.com/
Chess/Checkers - A tool-suite that includes a retargetable optimizing compiler, processor simulator, processor instruction set test-program generator. It is automatically targeted to any processor specified in the nML processor modelling language. By Target Compiler Techn - http://www.retarget.com/products-more.html
HP InfoTech S.R.L. - Makes CodeVisionAVR C compiler, integrated development environment (IDE), automatic program generator, ChipBlasterAVR in-system programmer, code wizard, for Atmel AVR microcontrollers. [commercial] - http://www.hpinfotech.ro/
HI-TECH Software - Produces ANSI C cross compilers and assemblers for a range of embbedded systems. Supported chips include the 8051, 8051XA and PIC. - http://www.htsoft.com/
XTC-1750A - C cross-development environment for target systems with MIL-STD-1750A architecture. It includes across compiler, cross assembler, linker/loader, source-level debugger, and target kernel. - http://www.cleanscape.net/stdprod/xtc1750a/
Official TIGCC Site - Mainly a C compiler for Texas Instruments TI-89, TI-92 Plus calculators; based on GCC, GNU Compiler Collection. - http://tigcc.ticalc.org/
Keil Software, Inc. - Vendor of C compilers and other development tools for the 8051, 251, C16x/ST10 microcontroller families. Has discussion forum, searchable tech support knowledgebase with over 1500 articles. - http://www.keil.com/
cc65 - C compiler for 6502 based systems; direct library support (startup/initialization code) and support libraries for Commodore C64/C128, C16, C116, Plus/4, 600/700 families of computers, Apple II, Atari 8-bit systems. [Freeware] - http://www.cc65.org/
Crossware Products - Develop and market C cross compilers and other development tools for embedded systems based upon the 8051, 68000, CPU32, ColdFire and other chip families. Host environments include Windows NT, Windows 95 and DOS. - http://www.crossware.com/
C Cross-Compilers - For the Motorola 68HC11, Microchip PIC, 8051 microcontroller families. Includes both free and commercial products. - http://ee.cleversoul.com/compilers.html