C# Help - C# portal with articles, message forum and sample source code. - http://www.csharphelp.com/
Developer Fusion - C# - Free source code, articles and tutorials for C# and .NET developers, plus a discussion forum. - http://www.developerfusion.co.uk/csharp/
HiTMilL C# Page - C# related links. - http://www.hitmill.com/programming/dotNET/csharp.html
Dr.Bob's C# Visions - Latest news, articles and book reviews of the C# language and .NET FrameWork in general. - http://www.drbob42.com/csharp/
Devdex.com - An index site of C#-related resources. By Developersdex. - http://www.developersdex.com/csharp/
DevASP.Net For C# Developers - A Directory of C# (C-Sharp) resources, articles, samples, tutorials, scripts, applications and sample chapters arranged by category. - http://www.devasp.net/net/search/display/category248.html
C# Station - News, FAQs and tutorials, links. - http://www.csharp-station.com/
DeveloperLand - A programming website managed and run by .NET developers aiming to help other developers. Articles, downloads, reviews. - http://www.developerland.com
Borland C# Builder Developer Resources - Resources for Borland C#Builder, an IDE for C#.NET software development. Resources include news, tips, articles, and links to relevant web sites, newsgroups, and other information. - http://www.csharpbuilder.info/
Master C# - News, articles and examples. - http://www.mastercsharp.com/
Easy C# - C#: Newsgroups, code, articles, links, and downloads. Archives of discussion list on C#. - http://www.easycsharp.com/
C# Corner - Code, articles, links, and downloads. - http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/