Rishi, Rowan - I See Sharp - A blog about the C# language, as well as the author's point of view on various subjects related to programming and C#. - http://iseesharp.blogspot.com
Chaliy, Mike - C# and related technologies blog. - http://csharparticles.blogspot.com/
Oracle Versus Microsoft - Blog with articles and sample codes dealing with Oracle and Microsoft technologies. A special focus on the C# language and code generation. - http://oraclevsmicrosoft.blogspot.com
Guy Langston - C.V., projects includes SokoSolve (a Sokoban puzzle solver and related tools in C#). Blog with articles on software architecture, engineering with a focus of .NET and C#. - http://www.langston.org.za/~guy/
Cutting the C SHARP - A weblog on .NET development with C#, by Stijn Guillemyn. - http://users.telenet.be/dotNETconsultant/feed/atom.xml
Joe's Blog - This blog shows author experience as a software developer. C# examples and commants. - http://billibit.blogspot.com/
.Net Adventures - Blog about .Net programming, tips and tricks, used tools. - http://www.devintelligence.com
Jon Skeet's C# and .NET articles and links - A set of articles on C# and .NET, the C# newsgroup FAQ, and links to other resources. - http://www.yoda.arachsys.com/csharp/
Wired Prairie - Brief articles and topics covering programming in .NET and C#. - http://www.wiredprairie.us
Gary Short - A blog about C# and .NET software engineering, along with any other Microsoft products, mixed with the daily rantings of a software engineer. - http://garyshort.org/
Daniel Vasquez Lopez .NET Blog - C# tricks, source code, guidelines, Microsoft .NET programming, Visual C++ Mangaged. - http://danielvl.blogspot.com