C++ Programming Style Guidelines - Lists C++ coding recommendations common in the C++ development community. (Geotechnical Software Services) - http://geosoft.no/development/cppstyle.html
Macadamian's Coding Conventions for C++ - Includes advice on source code organization, naming conventions, source documentation, programming conventions, and testing/debugging support. - http://www.macadamian.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=34&Itemid=37
C++ Coding Standard - Proposed coding guidelines that have evolved over many projects, many companies, and literally a total of many weeks spent arguing. - http://www.possibility.com/Cpp/CppCodingStandard.html
High Integrity C++ Coding Standard - A methodology for high quality, unambiguous, portable and maintainable C++ code. - http://www.programmingresearch.com/solutions/HICPPCM/
Wildfire C++ Programming Style - Tries to provide guidelines on how to use the various features found in the C++ language. - http://www.chris-lott.org/resources/cstyle/Wildfire-C++Style.html
UWYN C++ Coding Standard - This document explains the C++ coding style at UWYN and lists a number of best practices that should be followed. - http://www.uwyn.com/resources/uwyn_cpp_coding_standard/index.html
CStupidClassName - Discusses the commonly used naming convention of prepending each class name with a capital 'C'. - http://www.jelovic.com/articles/stupid_naming.htm
Recommended C Style and Coding Standards - Updated version of the Indian Hill C Style and Coding Standards paper, with modifications. The scope is coding style, not functional organization. - http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/lab/secondyear/cstyle/cstyle.html
C++ Coding Standards - Simple set of standards which tries to cover the important issues surrounding modern C++. (ArcticLabs) - http://www.arcticlabs.com/CodingStandards/
C and C++ Style Guides - A collection of over 18 style guides for code written in C and C++. - http://www.chris-lott.org/resources/cstyle/
Coding Guidelines for Integral Constant Expressions - This short article from the boost project is designed to provide a set of guidelines and workarounds that will allow integral constant expressions to be used in a manner portable to many compilers. - http://www.boost.org/more/int_const_guidelines.htm