Dinkumware C++ Library References - A complete description of the ANSI/ISO Standard C and C++ libraries. - http://www.dinkumware.com/manuals/default.aspx
Strict Mode for C++: Early Draft Proposal - Small number of changes which allow safely encapsulating pointer operations, via "smart pointers" and version of STL with subscript and iterator checks. For next generation of C++ revision cycle; refined with online C++ community. - http://www.animats.com/papers/languages/
Trip Report: Ad-Hoc Meeting on Threads in C++ - The C++ standardization committee is hard at work standardizing threads for the next version of C++. Some members recently met to discuss the issues. - http://www.artima.com/cppsource/threads_meeting.html
Modules in C++ (Revision 4) - This paper proposes a module mechanism (somewhat similar to that of Modula-2) with three primary goals: significantly improve build times of large projects, enable a better separation between interface and implementation, and provide a viable transition p - http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2006/n2073.pdf
Proposal to add Contract Programming to C++ (Revision 3) - This proposal describes a small assertion sub-language that unifies compile-time and run-time assertions. The benefits are among others a higher degree of self-documenting source code, better design tools, and easier debugging and testing. - http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2005/n1866.html
Adding "extern template" (Version 2) - A number of compilers allow the programmer to suppress the implicit instantiation of templates by prefixing an explicit instantiation directive with the extern keyword. This document proposes specific semantics for this feature. - http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2006/n1987.htm
Decltype (Revision 5) - Suggests extending C++ with a decltype operator for querying the type of an expression. Also suggests a new function declaration syntax, which allows one to place the return type expression syntactically after the list of function parameters. - http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2006/n1978.pdf
Concepts (Revision 1) - Concepts introduce a type system for templates that makes templates easier to use and easier to write. By checking the requirements that templates place on their parameters prior to template instantiation, concepts can eliminate the spectacularly poor er - http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2006/n2081.pdf
Living By the Rules: Part II - Discusses the addition of almost all of TR1 to the new C++ Standard. - http://www.ddj.com/dept/cpp/188700816
Living By the Rules - Understanding compiler rules better equips you to interpret messages the compiler sends you. - http://www.ddj.com/dept/cpp/187203727
The New C++ - Introduces people and groups involved in the C++ standardization process. - http://www.ddj.com/dept/cpp/184403817
The New C++: The Group of Seven - Presents a survey of the first batch of suggested library extensions that were considered at the October 2001 WG21/J16 meeting in Redmond. - http://www.ddj.com/dept/cpp/184403824
The New C++: Smart(er) Pointers - Takes a closer look at one of the proposed facilities - smart pointers, which were discussed again at the April 2002 standards meeting. - http://www.ddj.com/dept/cpp/184403837
The New C++: Typedef Templates - Presents an overview of the proposed typedef templates. - http://www.ddj.com/dept/cpp/184403850
The New C++: Trip Report - An update on the most recent C++ standards meeting, and why things are (finally) heating up. - http://www.ddj.com/dept/cpp/184403857
A Brief Look at C++0x - Offers a sneak peek at the next version of standard C++. It briefly outlines the guiding principles of the work on C++0x, presents a few examples of likely language extensions, and lists some proposed new standard libraries. - http://www.artima.com/cppsource/cpp0x.html
Proposal to Add Static Assertions to the Core Language (Revision 3) - The C++ language currently supports two facilities for testing software assertions: the assert macro and the #error preprocessor directive. Neither of these facilities is appropriate for use in template libraries. - http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2004/n1720.html
ISO/IEC 14882-2003 - Buy a PDF version of the official C++ programming language standard from the ANSI Electronic Standards Store. - http://webstore.ansi.org/ansidocstore/product.asp?sku=INCITS/ISO/IEC+14882-2003
Right Angle Brackets (Revision 2) - Explains ways to allow >> to be treated as two closing angle brackets, as well as to discuss the resulting issues. A specific option is proposed along with wording that would implement the proposal in the current working paper. - http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2005/n1757.html
Library TR1 Information - Contains links to the latest library TR1 (technical report 1) draft as well as to the most relevant standardization documents that motivate and explain TR1 functionality. - http://aristeia.com/EC3E/TR1_info.html
Memory Model for Multithreaded C++ - Proposes integrating a memory model suitable for multithreaded execution in the C++ Standard. On top of that model, a standard threading library is proposed. - http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2004/n1680.pdf
Draft ANSI C++ Standard - October 1997 working paper of the proposed standard. - http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/wp/html/oct97/
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 - The international standardization working group for the programming language C++. - http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/
TechNetCast Play - C++0x - Bjarne Stroustrup's suggestions for C++0x. Text, PDF and MP3 formats. - http://technetcast.ddj.com/tnc_play_stream.html?stream_id=560
Embedded C++ - A subset of C++ intended for embedded systems programming. It is defined by an industry consortium, the Embedded C++ Technical Committee. - http://www.caravan.net/ec2plus/