RAZE Multi Asm Z80 Engine - Z80 emulator for Intel based x86 systems. [CEASAR] - http://caesar.logiqx.com/php/library.php?id=raze
Z80-ASM - A compiler of the Z80 CPU assembler, runs on DOS, Linux; written in C. - http://wwwhomes.uni-bielefeld.de/achim/z80-asm.html
Z80 Assembly for Novices - A series of lessons introducing z80 assembly at a semi-beginner level and slow pace. Factual knowledge and pieces of advice concerning programming are intertwined. Includes detailed explanation for all the instructions organised in categories. - http://users.hszk.bme.hu/~pg429/z80guide/
z80as - A Unix (Linux, BSD) cross assembler for the Zilog Z80 microprocessor. - http://z80as.sourceforge.net/
Z80 Bits - A collection of Z80 routines. - http://map.tni.nl/sources/external/z80bits.html
Z80 Cross-Platform Macro Assembler: Z80ASM - Based on ideas of The Netwide Assembler (NASM) for Intel x86 platform. Also, ZXEDIT source editor, with syntax highlighting, for Z80ASM. By Ilya G. Aniskovets. English, Russian. - http://z80.msk.ru/
Pasmo - A portable Z80 cross assembler. Short description and download. Available in English and Spanish. - http://www.arrakis.es/~ninsesabe/pasmo/
Icarus Productions - Z80 coding - Z80 programming tutorials, utilities and FAQ for beginners. - http://icarus.ticalc.org/articles/z80_coding.html
Z80 Simulator IDE - An application that supplies Z80 developers with graphical environment for Windows and integrated BASIC compiler, assembler, simulator (emulator), disassembler, and debugger. - http://www.oshonsoft.com/z80.html
z80 Documentation - Programming documentations and tutorials for the z80 CPU and the TI-83 calculator. - http://www.ticalc.org/pub/text/z80/
Francis Görmarker Page - Z80 hardware and software resource page: Z80/Z180/PIC related documentation, source code, electronic schematics, executable files created by author during various home projects. - http://home.swipnet.se/~w-68269/
The New Image - Z80, R800 and GBZ80 cross assembler tniASM for MS-DOS and Win9x. - http://www.tni.nl/
Embedded Systems and Computer Architecture - A book with software which takes the reader step-by-step through the design, construction, and programming of a microprocessor (based on the classic Zilog Z80 microprocessor). Includes a Z80 IDE and a simulator with add-on devices. - http://homepage.ntlworld.com/grwilson/