RHIDE - Integrated Develepment Environment that supports Ada on MS-DOS and Linux. - http://www.rhide.com/
Understand for Ada - An interactive development environment (IDE) tool offering reverse engineering, automatic documentation, code navigation and understanding, metrics, maintenance and cross reference tool for Ada 83 and Ada 95 source code. - http://www.scitools.com/products/understand/ada/product.php
AdaTEST 95 - A tool provides automated facilities for Dynamic Testing, Coverage and Static analysis in a totally integrated environment. - http://www.ipl.com/products/tools/pt600.uk.php
Rational Ada Developer - Integrated environment for designing, developing, and maintaining Ada applications. [Commercial] - http://www.ibm.com/software/awdtools/developer/ada/
DTraq - Provides data logging, monitoring, and playback for Ada applications; while automatically scanning for and incorporating updates in data structures. - http://www.mckae.com/dtraq.html
Ada Utilities - Several useful Ada utilities and bindings includes AdaGOOP (the Ada Generator of Object-Oriented Parsers), bindings to use parallel, serial ports under Windows. - http://www.martincarlisle.com/ada_stuff.html
UML Tools for Ada - WinA&D is a UML modeling tool with Ada code generation. WinTranslator generates UML models from existing Ada code. Together WinA&D and WinTranslator provide complete round-trip engineering of Ada code from UML based design. - http://www.excelsoftware.com/umlforada.html
ICC Ada95 Pretty Printer (ICCFMT) - Reads an Ada source file and writes out a formatted version - http://www.irvine.com/freebies.html
Gch - A tool that checks Ada sources against a given set of rules. It is an ASIS-based tool built on top of the ASIS implementation for GNAT (ASIS-for-GNAT). - http://www.kolumbus.fi/vitali.kaufman/gch/
Green Hills AdaMULTI - A complete integrated development environment (IDE) for embedded applications using Ada 95, C, C++, Embedded C++ and FORTRAN. AdaMULTI runs on Windows or UNIX hosts and supports remote debugging to a variety of target environments. - http://www.ghs.com/products/AdaMULTI_IDE.html
Ada-Utilities - A language-sensitive toolset for project-wide quality and standards auditing of Ada code. - http://www.grammatech.com/products/au/overview.html
AdaBrowse - Tool to generate extensively hyperlinked HTML or XML documentation from Ada sources (library unit specifications). Uses ASIS. Generated XML can be used to produce documentation in other formats. [Open source, GPL] - http://home.tiscalinet.ch/t_wolf/tw/ada95/adabrowse/
Ada-Assured - A language-sensitive editor, browser, standards enforcement tool, pretty printer, and code analyzer/transformer for Ada 83 and Ada 95. - http://www.grammatech.com/products/aa/overview.html