Whither Ada? - Slide show in paged format; State of Ada Address, STC 2001, Salt Lake City, UT; By Ben Brosgol, AdaCore Technologies. - http://www.csv.ica.uni-stuttgart.de/homes/ph/adanews/WhitherAda.pdf
Ada in the 21st Century - Ada gets less publicity than many languages, yet it is alive and well in many uses: hard real-time embedded systems, safety critical programs, desk-top graphical user interface environments, Internet, teaching, research. STSC CrossTalk. - http://www.stsc.hill.af.mil/crosstalk/2001/03/brosgol.html
Ada 95, Modula-3, CLOS - Brief comments on slide from computer science course with many languages. - http://www.cs.rit.edu/~jeh/Papers/java-vs-other-OOLs/fslide26.htm
C to Ada - Translating by Derek Jones. - http://www.knosof.co.uk/ctoa.html
High Performance Scientific Computing with Ada95 - In context of parallel computing, brief mention of Fortran90 and High Performance Fortran (HPF). Short document. - http://fedelma.astro.univie.ac.at/web/ada_parallel.html
Ada 95 Demo Combines Java - Bytecode on the Web, AdaIC Newsletter Fall 1997. - http://archive.adaic.com/news/Newsletter/1997/fall/5.htm
Secure Programming for Linux and Unix - C++, Java, Perl,Python, TCL, and Ada95. - http://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/os/linux/documentation/howto/Secure-Programs-HOWTO
SourceForge - Project Information - PyAda. - http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyada
Intellectual Ammunition: C/C++ to Ada Help and Discussion - Tutorial for C and C++ programmers to show them what Ada can provide and how to set about turning the knowledge and experience they have gained in C/C++ into good Ada programming. - http://www.adahome.com/Ammo/Cplpl2Ada.html