GNU Emacs for Windows 95/NT
- In addition to the standard GNU Emacs docs this page points out all topics specific to GNU Emacs on the Windows platform.
NT-Emacs Mailing List Archive - A browser accessible archive of the NT-Emacs mailing list. -
GNU Emacs on Windows - Files, documentation and a FAQ for the Windows versions of the GNU Emacs editor. -
EmacsW32 - An Emacs distribution with a collection of Emacs lisp modules and MS Windows programs to use from within Emacs to ensure Windows-like handling of common editing tasks. -
General Paranoyaxc GNU Emacs 20.7 - Description of features and limitations, screenshots, installation tips and download of an implementation for WindowsCE. -
Gnuserv for NT - Installation guide and download for the Windows port. -
Francis Wright's Emacs packages - WoMan.el, an elisp package to browse UNIX man files without having man installed and msdos-shell-fix.el, an improvement of the NT-Emacs support for the COMMAND.COM shell under Windows 95 can be found here. -
VisEmacs - A Visual Studio Add-In that allows Emacs to be integrated as the default text editor. -