Mozilla ActiveX Project
- The ActiveX control allows developers to embed the Gecko rendering engine into any Windows application.
Nvu - WYSIWYG HTML editor with site manangement features derived from Mozilla Composer. -
ActiveState Komodo - Professional IDE for open source languages, offering advanced support for Perl, PHP, Python, Tcl, and XSLT. -
TopStyle Pro CSS Editor / HTML Editor for Windows - Topstyle uses Gecko as its rendering engine in the Topstyle Pro HTML/CSS/XHTML editor. -
The ManyOne Network - The Mozilla-based ManyOne Universal Browser, which aims to be "a more natural, intuitive, educational and entertaining way to explore the Internet over even the slowest Internet connections." -
WireSpring - Linux digital signage and kiosk software solutions - FireCast, by WireSpring Technologies, is a Linux-based platform for deploying and remotely managing networks of interactive kiosks. FireCast OS, the Linux kiosk operating system, uses embedded Mozilla browsers for everything from displaying client content -
NewsMonster RSS Aggregator for Mozilla Browsers - NewsMonster contains a RSS aggregator, Weblog Manager, and Reputation System and runs in the Mozilla browser. Comes in both Standard and Pro versions. -
ICEsoft - ICEsoft includes Rhino, the Java implementation of Javascript in their standards compliant ICEbrowser. -