Undocumented Lingo - A weblog about advanced Director programming in Lingo. - http://www.director3d.de/
Doug Lingo Database - Annotated listing of resources for Lingo programming. - http://www.director-online.com/lingo.php
Teton Multimedia Learning Center - Includes articles on Math, physics, numerical methods, programming techniques. Includes source code for download. - http://www.tetonmultimedia.com/tetonmultimedia/lessons.cfm
Lingo Learning Modules - A set of Lingo tutorials available for purchase. - http://www.kkti.com/lingo.html
Lingoworkshop - Shockwave demos (many with source code), articles, Director utilities and tutorials. - http://www.lingoworkshop.com
Animation Math in Lingo - Guide to animation programming with Lingo, covering the fundamentals of animation math and programming techniques. - http://www.jmckell.com/
Lingo Programmer - Dedicated to the advancement of knowledge, logic and object-oriented programming systems. - http://lingoprogrammer.com/