Absolute Fretboard Trainer - Play-along course for mastering the fretboard of guitar, bass, mandolin. - http://www.absolutefretboard.com/?a=pad
The Virtual Virtuoso - Accompaniment music plays to aid in the practice of scales, etudes, and performance pieces for violin, viola or cello. - http://www.webcom.com/virtvirt/
ScaleTool - Scale generator for guitar and piano. - http://www.scaletool.com/
Virtual Fretboard - Guitar, tenor guitar, bass, and mandolin fretboards showing chords and scales. - http://www.virtual-fretboard.com
In-Tune Multi-Instrument Tuner - For tuning guitar, bass, banjo, mandolin, violin, viola, and cello. Other instruments via the pitch selector. - http://www.musicmasterworks.com/tuner.html
Desktop Music - Software for guitar, bass, and banjo players. - http://www.desktopmusic.com/
Twofold Media - [Win] Description of Violin Magic Made Easy, a CD-Rom for the beginner violinist and support crew. - http://www.twofold.com.au/
Funkyseagull.com - [Win - Mac] CD-ROMs for banjo, fiddle and guitar. - http://www.funkyseagull.com/
ChordWizard - [Win] For guitar, banjo, mandolin, bass, ukulele, bouzouki, and others. Also offers free music theory tutorial. - http://www.chordwizard.com/