Williams, Luke - WhosLuke.com - Offers web design, maintenance and hosting services for businesses in the Greenville, South Carolina area; includes details on services, portfolio, and contacts. - http://www.whosluke.com/
Woo, Megan - Offers web design and scripting. Includes resume. Located in Seattle, Washington, United States. - http://www.meganwoo.com/
Worrallo, Adam - Offers web design, programming, Flash, and assistance in domain name registration, hosting and email. Located in London, England, United Kingdom. - http://www.adamworrallo.co.uk/
Wong, Nathan W. - Offers skills in PHP, DHTML, JavaScript, XML, CSS, C, image editing, and Flash. - http://nathanwwong.com/
Ward, Larry - Offers web design and graphic design. Includes resume for download. Located in Plantation, Florida, United States. - http://www.larryward.us/
Wienken, Kristy - Offers web design, programming, and graphic design. Includes resume to download. Located in Bellville, Texas, United States. - http://www.kristywienken.com/
Weaver, Brian - Grafyte - Provides web design, graphics, digital illustration services. Includes resume. Based in Seattle, Washington, United States. - http://www.grafyte.com/
Wong, Andrea - Provide design services for web, print, copywriting and photography. Located in Auckland, New Zealand. - http://www.andreawong.co.nz/
Walton, Kenneth - Offers web design, print design, and Flash games. Includes resume to download. - http://www.kendude.com/
Wise, Gary - Offers web design, hosting, marketing and online promotional strategies for smaller web sites. Located in Houston, Texas, United States. - http://www.garywise.com/
Wilking, Amy - Azaleum Creative - Provides web design, logo and corporate ID design, and print design. Located in Fernandina Beach, Florida, United States. - http://www.azaleum.com/
Whytal, Christopher - Offers web design, print design, and photography. Includes resume. Located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. - http://www.whytal.com/
Wanstall, Justin - Offers web design, programming, Flash, database development, hosting, email marketing, logo and banner design. Located in Brighton, England, United Kingdom. - http://www.wanstall.co.uk/
Wong, Siew Kong - Site includes resume to download and porfolio of web sites. Located in Tempe, Arizona, United States. - http://www.public.asu.edu/~wskasu/
Web Design Page - Offers web design, graphics and web templates. - http://www.webdesignpage.net/
Whitfield, Jennifer - Out of the Box Designs - Offers services in web design, graphics and animation, print design, and consulting. Includes resume. Located in Milton, Florida, United States. - http://jenwhitfield.com/
Williams, Meg - DigitlChic - Photographer, photography, digital imaging, digital art, collages, digital enhancement, teacher, graphics, multimedia, instructor. Based in St. Louis, Missouri, United States. - http://www.megwilliams.com/
Wharton, Nigel - PageFactory - Provides design services for housing associations and small businesses. - http://www.nigelwharton.com/pf/
Web Mender - Provides website repair, optimisation and promotion. Based in the United Kingdom. - http://www.web-mender.co.uk/
Winningham, Jennifer - Design, advertising, and marketing specializing in small business start-up and e-business. Located in Elbow Lake, Minnesota, United States. - http://www.jenniferwinningham.com
Warren, Liz - Small business web design. - http://www.sitegirl.com/
Wagar, Don - Wagar Web Design Services - Offers design, database, and graphics services. Located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. - http://www.wagarweb.com/
Wilkins, Brian - Offers design, programming, and graphics services. - http://www.wilkinstech.com/
Will's Web Works - Offers design and maintenance services. - http://www.willswebs.com/
Welborn, Bryan - Offers design, graphics, and animation for web developers, ISPs, and ad agencies. - http://www.welbornworks.com/
Walker, Kimberly - Offers design, and print services in Lake County, Florida, United States. - http://www.kimberlywalker.com/
Wilson, Craig - Creative Confusion - Offers site and logo design, development, Flash, search engine placement, maintenance, and domain name and hosting assistance. - http://www.creativeconfusion.net/
Woah.co.uk - Design and graphics services. - http://www.woah.co.uk
Wells, Andrew - Offers design, hosting assistance, and graphics services. - http://www.wellsus.com/
Wallace, Jessyca - Monarch Productions - Graphic design, usability analysis, web applications, and marketing. Located in San Diego, California, United States. - http://www.monarchpro.com/
Wu, Michael - Web design, graphics, traffic analysis, and content management. Located in Hoboken, New Jersey, United States. - http://www.mike-wu.com/
Wasielewski, Bonnie - BGW Designs - Provides site creation, redesign, maintenance, Flash, and promotion services. Based in Middlesex, New Jersey, United States. - http://www.bgwdesigns.com/
Wilder, Jeremy - Offers design, redesign, illustration and promotion services. - http://www.jeremywilder.com/
Wigzell, Nick - Offering web design services from the Somerset, United Kingdom. - http://www.wigzellweb.com/
Webpage Designs by Gale - Web pages with a combination of graphics, clip-art, animation, 3-D headings, and special backgrounds. - http://www.webpagedesignsbygale.com/
Web Street Studios - Offers information on what's involved in getting a web site up and running. - http://www.webstreetstudios.com/
Wickstrand, Ryan - BrainStorm Designs - Offers design, logo creation, computer graphics, multimedia, print material, and illustration services. - http://www.brainstormdesigns.com/
Williams, Keith - Kchisos Enterprises - Offers design, graphic design, maintenance and promotion services for the Big Bend and Davis Mountains area of West Texas. - http://www.kchisos.com/kchisos-enterprises.htm
White, Rob - Web design services. - http://rjwsite.com/
WebDesign-100 - Web design and hosting options. Based in Hamburg, New York. - http://www.webdesign-100.com/
Wakeman, Lois - Provides web architecture, design and information analysis services, specialising in corporate intranets, and in large and small commercial and public service internet sites. - http://lois.co.uk/