Edit MySpace.org - Designs free custom layouts for MySpace profiles. Users can select specific preferences or choose a premade template. - http://www.editmyspace.org/
Bubbler - Downloadable program for creating web pages. - http://www.bubbler.com/
Postcard Maker - Thousands of original images, custom layout and your greeting. - http://www.postcardmaker.com/
GIFWorks - Online GIF image editor. Resize, edit and optimize both static and animated GIFs. - http://www.gifworks.com/
3d Text Maker - Create 3D text, many options, fonts, and styles. - http://www.3dtextmaker.com/
Xara Online - Hosted modules which allow users to easily add graphics and dynamic functions to web sites. - http://www.xaraonline.com/
SCSWorld - Create Websites online without any knowledge of web design. - http://www.scsworld.co.uk
CreatingOnline - Online image editing and Web design tools/tips for beginners. Webmaster resources include free clipart and 3D Text Makers. - http://www.creatingonline.com/
Webmaster Toolkit - Online tools for webmasters and web designers. - http://www.webmaster-toolkit.com/
The Web Hut - Several free web site tools and code generators for webmasters. - http://www.webpage-tools.com/index.asp
Online HTML Colour X-Fader - Create color gradients in text and tables. FAQ, help pages, examples available. - http://www.vex.net/~x/xfade/
Web Builder Deluxe - A desktop database management tool with web publishing and web database management capabilities. - http://www.primasoft.com/deluxeprg/wbddx.htm
Download Time Calculator - Calculate the time it takes to download a file. - http://download.stormloader.com/
Move Announcer - A service to notify webmasters that your web site has moved to a new URL or domain so they can update links to your site. - http://www.moveannouncer.com
Web Animator - A tool for adding animated effects to web pages which is easy to use, and completely free. - http://www.pcoward.com/webanimator/
Site Valet - Site Valet offers a website monitoring service, as well as an assortment of other tools. - http://valet.htmlhelp.com/
Peluang - Malay-focused online tools and useful links. - http://www.sabah.net.my/mybiz/peluang/index.html
Bellsnwhistles.com - Free animated graphics, java applets, javascripts, DHTML, hard to find HTML, Counters, Web Editors, Banners. - http://www.bellsnwhistles.com/
MenuGen - Generate javascript code that changes values in one select box based on a choice in a previous select box. - http://www.supertom.com/menugen/
Chami.com - Get server information with this form. - http://www.chami.com/tips/internet/051998I.html
Submitcorner.com - Offers a suite of free online web tools. - http://www.submitcorner.com/Tools/
TextColorizer - Generates text that gradually shifts from one color to another, using standard HTML code. - http://www.chami.com/tc/
HomePage Tools - Free branded web tools for ecommerce, email, search, and interactive content. - http://www.homepagetools.com/