Dynamic Host Configuration (dhc) Workgroup
- The IETF workgroup responsible for the design of DHCP. Here you can find the charter of the group, its plans, and a most comprehensive list of Internet drafts and RFCs.
- http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/dhc-charter.html
Network Nirvana - Linux Magazine article - How to make network configuration as easy as DHCP. [Free registration required to view this article.] - http://www.linux-mag.com/id/473
DHC Work Group Discussion List - IETF main disscusion group for DHCP protocol - http://www1.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/dhcwg/current/
DHCP at the University of Oregon - Client instructions for Windows 95 and Macintosh, and articles about how DHCP works. - http://ns.uoregon.edu/dhcp/
DHCP Detailer - Graphical client for querying and displaying responses from DHCP servers. - http://thallium-tech.com/?product=dhcp&page=desc
DHCP mini-HOWTO - A document attempting to answer basic questions on how to set up a Linux box to serve as a DHCP server or a DHCP client. - http://en.tldp.org/HOWTO/DHCP/
DHCP chapter of "Integrating Unix and NT Technology" - This chapter explores DHCP, focusing primarily on Microsoft's implementation. The chapter also describes and discusses some Unix and third-party DHCP packages and related issues. - http://www.windowsitlibrary.com/Content/155/08/toc.html
Problems and Solutions of DHCP - A scientific article summarizing experiences with DHCP implementation and operation, made by the authors. - http://www.isoc.org/HMP/PAPER/127/html/paper.html
EHS co. DHCP Reading Room - Contains technology primers, product reviews, case studies and editorials, written by EHS Company staff. - http://www.ehsco.com/reading/dhcp.html
General DHCP FAQ - The main DHCP FAQ. Contains information for designers, programmers and system administrators. - http://www.dhcp-handbook.com/dhcp_faq.html
The DHCP Handbook - A site about the most important book in the DHCP world today. By Ted Lemon - ISC DHCP leading developer; and Ralph E. Droms - DHC workgroup chairman (1'st ed - Pearson Higher Education; 2'ed ed - Sams - march 22, 2002). Covers just about everything you wa - http://www.dhcp-handbook.com/
Resources for DHCP - FAQ, Internet drafts, RFCs, links. - http://www.dhcp.org/
Beyond DHCP - Work Your TCP/IP Internetwork with Dynamic IP - An important book for DHCP system administrators by Oscar Cepeda et. al (IBM Redbooks). There is also a downloadable version. It explains the DHCP protocol, how to install and manage DHCP on both servers, clients and mobile clients. Also have a short revi - http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/abstracts/sg245280.html