mod_content - An RSS1.0 module for the actual content of websites, in multiple formats. -
mod_syndication - The RSS1.0 Syndication module provides syndication hints to aggregators and others feed regarding how often it is updated. -
mod_dublincore - The Dublin Core module allows unqualified Dublin Core metadata to be added to RSS channels and/or items. -
Mod_DCTerms - This module is designed to allow Qualified Dublin Core metadata to be used in addition to the Dublin Core metadata that the RSS 1.0 Dublin Core module permits. -
mod_servicestatus - This module extends RSS to include elements which allow the description of the status and current availability of services and servers. (on a temporary non-Purl URL at the moment) -
mod_Wiki - RSS 1.0 Wiki Module is an extension module for RSS to describe metadata particular to wiki applications. -
mod_threading - An RSS1.0 module that provides the ability for items to specify a parent/child relationship. -
mod_taxonomy - The taxonomy module is a RSS 1.0 module and a RDF application enabling the identification of topics covered by a RSS channel or item. -
mod_streaming-1.2 - An RSS1.0 module that addresses the additional needs of streaming-media providers. -
mod_slash - An RSS1.0 module, which augments the RSS core and Dublin Core module's metadata with channel and item-level elements specific to Slash-based sites. -
mod_rss091 - An RSS1.0 module that provides sideways compatibility with RSS 0.91 by providing a modularized version of the elements added to 0.91. -
mod_event - An RSS1.0 module to describe upcoming real-world events -
mod_company - The mod_company RSS 1.0 module augments the RSS core and Dublin Core module's metadata with channel and item-level elements specific to company data. -
mod_changedpage - An RSS1.0 module that includes information necessary to subscribe to be notified when this RSS feed updates. Applications should follow the changedPage spec using cp:server as the notifier. -
mod_audio - The mod_audio RSS 1.0 module augments the RSS core and Dublin Core module's metadata with channel and item-level elements specific to audio data. -
mod_annotation - An RSS1.0 module, that provides support for resources that annotate, follow-up to, or reference other resources. Examples would include annotation system such as crit, Usenet, and most web-based discussion groups. The module can be used in combination wit -
mod_aggregation - Provides aggregator-added information about the original source of the RSS item. -
mod_admin - This RSS1.0 module provides administrative properties that can be used to help improve the robustness and reliability of broad RSS usage between providers, aggregators, clients, and other users. -