Netiquette Guidelines - This is the full text of RFC 1855, which is the unofficial standard work on electronic etiquette. -
The Net: User Guidelines and Netiquette - A comprehensive guide to all aspects of electronic communication, including Telnet and FTP. A question and answer section is also given. - - Information on netiquette, quizzes, advice, e-zine and forums. - - Netiquette Guidelines - Guidelines and examples on how to respectfully communicate and interact with others on the Internet. -
The Customer Respect Group - An international research and consulting firm, publishes the Online Customer Respect Index (CRI) and provides industry and company-specific research and analysis to help companies increase sales and customer retention by improving how they treat their cus -
Netiquette Chapter of the Crazy Colour Etiquette Handbook - Introduces Internet communication rules and helps you think about the way that you use the Internet to communicate and express your ideas, desires and emotions in emails, chat rooms and forums. -
Concise Guidelines for Net Etiquette - Over twenty five years of mistakes have made THE Eggman a pretty good authority on what you should NOT do to survive in Cyberspace. Here, he shares the major no-nos with you. - - Provides guidance on how to use e-mail and the Internet in various social situations. -
Internet Netiquette - Gives a summary of the important points of e-mail, mailing list, USENET, and chat etiquette. -
Networking on the Net - An article on professionalism, ethics and courtesy on the Internet, with special reference to e-mail, bulletin board, and chat communications. -
Net-Ethiquette Cases - A lengthy list of poor or abusive practices on the Internet which are to be avoided. -
Netiquette Home Page - Gives a description of the main rules of online etiquette. A quiz, mailing list, and ordering information for an etiquette book are also provided. -