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  E-greetings (631)

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Ecard Funny Open in a new windowLink Details
- Features a selection of animated cartoon greetings for all occasions.
- http://www.ecardfunny.com/

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Ecards.co.uk Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers a collection of free designs for all occasions. Includes "m-cards" available for cellphones.
- http://eCards.co.uk/

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Silver Teacup Greetings Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers romantic, snowglobes, Java, humor, everyday, holidays and birthday postcards.
- http://www.silverteacup.com/

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Wdwic Greetings Open in a new windowLink Details
- Contains original e-cards for various occasions, including some with Flash animation.
- http://greetings.wdwic.com/

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MovieTexts Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers to animate the sender's text and place custom messages inside professionally made short movies. Numerous funny and attractive templates for everyday messages as well as holiday and birthday greetings.
- http://www.movietexts.com/

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Ecardking.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Find free ecards for many occasions, for example for love, friendship or good night. Every card can be customized with color, sound or effects.
- http://www.ecardking.com/

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SeasonsGreets.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Features a collection of designs for birthdays, every day occasions and India holidays. Membership required.
- http://www.seasonsgreets.com/seasons_greetings

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GooglyGreetings.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers a collection of free virtual postcards and animated designs for birthdays, holidays and other occasions.
- http://www.googlygreetings.com/

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LoveBugCards.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Unique, interactive e-cards made from original photography. Cards can be signed in your own handwriting.
- http://www.lovebugcards.com

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Birthday Alarm Open in a new windowLink Details
- Features a collection of animated ecards for all occasions, including holidays and birthdays.
- http://www.birthdayalarm.com/

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Greetings Forever Open in a new windowLink Details
- Choose from animated greetings for occasions including love, friendship, birthday, family, holidays, zodiac, Christmas, Valentine's Day and special collections. Free and membership areas featured.
- http://greetingsforever.tuparada.com/

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Hi Greetings Open in a new windowLink Details
- Send free online greetings for all occasions, holidays, and birthdays.
- http://www.higreetings.com/

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Treasures the Moments Card Shoppe Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes holidays, everyday celebrations and special events. Features ballerinas, angels, flowers, horses, hugs, and spiritual sentiments.
- http://www.treasurethemoments.org/

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AdventurePostCards.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- A variety of cards. Categories include love notes, cartoons, birthdays, photos and holidays.
- http://www.adventurepostcards.com

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eBlessing.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Online greeting ecards centered around spiritual messages. Includes a monthly newsletter, and devotionals.
- http://www.eblessing.com/

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AniGreetings.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers uniquely designed 3D animated ecards that can be personalized in any language. Membership required.
- http://www.anigreetings.com/

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Soul Twins Open in a new windowLink Details
- Free animated postcards with funny and inspirational quotes, including animal cards, nature photography.
- http://www.soultwins.com/

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Holidaycards.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Features free e-cards organized by monthly celebrations and holidays.
- http://www.holidaycards.com/

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Ecardfriends.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers animated and musical designs including birthday, friendship, holidays, love, Easter and occasion categories.
- http://www.ecardfriends.com/

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E-cards.com.au Open in a new windowLink Details
- Features a collection of vintage prints and photos, and offers image effects, backgrounds, and poetry to be sent as custom cards.
- http://www.e-cards.com.au/

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Flowgo Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers online greetings, humor, jokes, cartoons and other fun pages.
- http://www.flowgo.com/

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Doozy Cards Open in a new windowLink Details
- Humorous and musical electronic greeting cards for all occasions. Features include birthdays, holidays and every day designs. Requires membership.
- http://www.doozycards.com/

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Hipster Cards Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers free ecards for occasions and holidays. Features art and photos from the 1950's and 1960's, and illustrated static designs.
- http://www.hipstercards.com

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Wow Ecards Open in a new windowLink Details
- Features hand drawn ecards and greetings for birthdays, holidays, and all occasions.
- http://www.wowecards.com/

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VGreets.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers a vast selection of designs for all occasions. Includes animated, photo, and cartoon cards for holidays, birthdays, and love.
- http://www.vgreets.com/

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OhMyGreetings.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Features a collection of animated, free e-cards. Categories include birthdays, romance, Internet and flasher.
- http://www.ohmygreetings.com

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HelloCrazy.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Features a large collection of animated graphics for holidays and various occasions. Offered in English, Italian, and Spanish.
- http://www.hellocrazy.com

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American Greetings Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers animated ecards and printable greeting cards for birthdays, social occasions and holidays such as Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter and Mother's Day.
- http://www.americangreetings.com/

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Egreetings.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Features funny ecards for holidays, birthdays, and special events, including greeting cards that depict celebrities and pop culture references.
- http://www.egreetings.com/

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Card Fountain Open in a new windowLink Details
- Providing ecards, jokes, and fun pages for holidays and occasions including just for laughs.
- http://www.cardfountain.com/

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Hallmark.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes holidays, graduation, anniversary, friendship, encouragement, congratulations, and just for fun.
- http://ecards.hallmark.com/

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BlueMountainCards UK Open in a new windowLink Details
- Personalise and send ecards for birthdays, holidays, and everyday occasions. Free designs included for religious, friendship, love, humour, and pets.
- http://www.bluemountaincards.co.uk

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Parenting Club Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers free and membership e-cards for all occasions.
- http://www.theparentingclub.com/

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E-zeecard.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- A catalogue of designs for birthdays, holidays and many special occasions. Sent and viewed as an e-mail. Fee required.
- http://www.e-zeecard.com/

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My Card Maker Open in a new windowLink Details
- Print custom greeting cards & invitations using templates or uploading your personal pictures. Designs can be sent by e-mail too.
- http://www.mycardmaker.com/

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Care2 E-Cards Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers a large selection of designs for every occasion and holidays. Also features fun and games, for kids, expressions and non-profit organizations.
- http://www.care2.com/send/categories

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Greet2k.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Free e-mail cards for holidays, birthdays, love, friendship and other occasions.
- http://greet2k.com

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The Custom Cards Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers a library of objects for every occasion to be used on custom designs. Features birthday, anniversaries, holidays, stationery and invitations.
- http://www.thecustomcards.com/

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Super Laugh Open in a new windowLink Details
- Features animated ecards for birthdays, holidays, and all occasions.
- http://www.superlaugh.com/

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Fukkad Open in a new windowLink Details
- Features designs for holidays, festivals, naughty, friendship and love.
- http://www.fukkad.net/

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Cards365.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Features Flash and Java animated greetings for all occasions.
- http://www.cards365.com

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Justecards.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Selection of e-cards for all occasions in a 3D page turning format. Select from a variety of shapes and themes. Requires the DNL reader.
- http://www.justecards.com

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Greetings Island Open in a new windowLink Details
- Categories include birthdays, family, floral, holidays, love, seasons, love and romance.
- http://www.greetingsisland.com/

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LakRu.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Features galleries of designs including birthdays, holidays and photo postcards of Sri Lanka.
- http://www.lakru.com

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SuperGreetings.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- A collection of cartoon postcards for all occasions and holidays.
- http://www.supergreetings.com

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Postcards.gr Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides free, online greeting cards.
- http://www.postcards.gr/

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Photo Cartoonist Open in a new windowLink Details
- A collection of eCards for all occasions and just for fun, jokes and holiday humor.
- http://www.photocartoonist.com/

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Same2u.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- A collection of free e-cards for all occasions including international celebrations. Features colorful and animated sentiments for holidays, love and friendship.
- http://www.same2u.com/open.htm

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ICQ Greetings Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes romantic, sarcastic, love, friendship, birthdays, holiday greetings, virtual hugs and kisses, humor, and jokes.
- http://www.icqgreetings.com/

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Easy Street Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers a network of sites featuring online invitations, ecards, clipart and free photos.
- http://www.easyst.net/

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Blazingfire Cards Open in a new windowLink Details
- A collection of illustrations and photographs featuring angels, dragons, fantasia, fractals, kaleidoscopes as well as birthdays, love and sympathy. Includes selection of poems, music, java effects and backgrounds.
- http://blazingfire.net/Home.html

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Dobhran.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Categories include inspirational and romance. Also features Celtic, and other, holidays. Also offers fun pages, jokes humor, andinspiring stories.
- http://www.dobhran.com/

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Toons Canada Open in a new windowLink Details
- Categories include April Fools, birthday, Christmas, friendship, and romance. Features classic fairy tales and characters.
- http://www.toonscanada.com

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Netfuncards Open in a new windowLink Details
- Galleries include holidays, love and dating, birthday, friendship, and thank you. Offers animated Flash cards, photo designs and cartoons.
- http://www.netfuncards.com

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Ecardisland.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Categories include collies, fantasy, holidays, marine life, nature, pets, romance and occasions. Features photos, nostalgia, Java effects and illustrations.
- http://www.ecardisland.com

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Erosecards.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Categories include birthdays, holidays, apology, naughty and everyday. Features animated, photo, humorous and sentimental designs.
- http://www.erosecards.com

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All-Yours.net Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers a selection of cards in various categories. Features events and holidays, birthdays, love and romance, flowers, scenery, and religion.
- http://www.all-yours.net/

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Cardhappy.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Galleries include holidays, birthdays, hugs and kisses, love and thank you.
- http://www.cardhappy.com

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Fundraising-cards.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Categories include school, animals, birthdays, holidays, friendship, love and USA.
- http://www.fundraising-cards.com

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Freewebcards.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Collection includes anniversary, apology, birthdays, friendship, office humor, and holidays. Featured artists and postcard designs.
- http://www.freewebcards.com/

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WhatsIn Greetings Open in a new windowLink Details
- Categories include holidays, love and romance, friendship and thank you.
- http://www.whatsin.com/

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We Got Cards Open in a new windowLink Details
- Virtual cards for many purposes. Special features include Flash animation, caricatures, photocards, or upload images.
- http://www.wegotcards.com/

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Virtual Cards Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offering birthday, love, friendship, celebrations, humor, poetry and pet designs.
- http://www.virtual-cards.com/

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USA Greetings Open in a new windowLink Details
- Categories include everyday wishes, special events, and monthly celebrations. Featuring animals, books, caricatures, horoscopes, pets, religion, sports and games.
- http://usagreetings.com/

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Unique Greetings Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers birthdays with who was born on that date, fortune cookies in categories, jokes by theme, pictures of cars, trains, boats and trucks, custom snow globes for various holidays, quotations, interactive animations, scenics, space and personal creations.
- http://www.uniquegreetings.com

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Say Howdy Open in a new windowLink Details
- Designs include holidays, animals, friends and custom cards. Features celebrity mug shots, photos and art prints.
- http://www.sayhowdy.com/

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100 Resources Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers a variety of ecard images. Categories include friendship, love, work, birthdays, sunrises and sunsets, animals, and holidays.
- http://www.100resources.com/

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Postcards.org Open in a new windowLink Details
- Categories include holidays, animals, landmarks, occupations, family, art and love. Features artist bios.
- http://www.postcards.org/

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Postcard Perfection Open in a new windowLink Details
- Categories include that's life, holidays, tastefully racy, birthday, e-military, on the net, and the office.
- http://www.postcardperfection.com

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My Cheers Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers cartoon, photographic and fine art. Categories include animals, angels, birthdays, butterflies, cute, dragons, friendship, and holidays.
- http://www.mycheers.com/

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Me Greetings Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes holidays, art, horoscopes, and humor. Features a Middle Eastern theme.
- http://www.megreetings.com/

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Mantra Cards Open in a new windowLink Details
- Categories of designs including friendship, love, birthday, and holidays. Features flowers, butterflies and birds.
- http://mantracards.lifeaxis.com/magicmantra/

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MallUnique Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes birthdays, motorcycles, fine art, animals, astrology and flowers.
- http://www.mallunique.com/postcards/

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#1 Love Cards Open in a new windowLink Details
- Greeting galleries of angels, birthdays, cute, fantasy, love, holidays, and kisses. Includes fine art, photos, and animated designs.
- http://www.1lovecards.com

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Link Stop Open in a new windowLink Details
- Categories include holidays, love and romance, friendship and support. Featuring action cards, boxer greetings, and everyday notecards.
- http://www.linkstop.com/

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Light and Color Open in a new windowLink Details
- Categories include angels, animals, and flowers. Select background music. Animations available.
- http://www.lightandcolor.org/

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Kangazoo.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Greeting card categories include best wishes, birthdays, bon voyage, friends, jokes, patriotic, scenics, and thank you.
- http://www.kangazoo.com

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Jumac Greetings Open in a new windowLink Details
- Java, Flash, interactive greetings. Galleries of photos and images including animals, water and snow effects.
- http://www.jumac.com

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HolidayNotes Open in a new windowLink Details
- Features photo greeting cards. Includes holidays, romance, seasonal and flowers.
- http://www.holidaynotes.com/

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HiCards.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Categories include holidays, love, animals and humor. Java effects and animations available.
- http://hicards.com/

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Happy Day Cards Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers categories of greetings. Includes make cards, general, holidays, for kids and Afro-American designs.
- http://www.happydaycards.com

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Greetz.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Categories include holidays, seasons, gay and lesbian, sports and Native American. Animated images and Java effects available.
- http://www.greetz.com/

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Greetings ABC Open in a new windowLink Details
- Categories of cards including events, humor, holidays, seasons, months, birthdays, love and wishes.
- http://www.greetingsabc.com

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123 Greetings Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes holidays, everyday, birthdays, flowers and pets. Features cards for several religious faiths. Animated images.
- http://www.123greetings.com/

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1000greetingcards.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Cards of love, birthday, pets, wildlife, flowers, balloons, scenery and holidays. Includes account for saving cards for future viewing.
- http://www.1000greetingcards.com

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Greeting Hub Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes flowers, roses, butterflies, fairies, angels, and hotrods.
- http://www.greetinghub.com/

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GoGoCards.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes holidays, miss you, animals, flowers, and sea life. Offers animations and effects. Send now or later.
- http://www.gogocards.com/

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Greeting Cards that Sing Open in a new windowLink Details
- Cards that talk and sing with many popular songs, phrases and insults. Choose from galleries of graphics, photos and animations.
- http://www.audiocard.com

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1 Greeting Cards Open in a new windowLink Details
- Categories include holidays, love and animals. Images are animated. Features an artist showcase.
- http://www.1-greeting-cards.com/

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Gipsyland Open in a new windowLink Details
- Greetings include fantasy, angels and fairies, scenery and nature, support and Nascars. Java and animated selections available. Select music and add a quote or poem.
- http://www.gipsyland.com/

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