Wirmo - Wireless and mobile internet hotspot directory and service provider. - http://www.wirmo.com
SurfShop - Software contains standard cybercafe features and enhanced security features. Can provide hardware. - http://www.dynasoft.net/surfshop/
iCafe - An Internet and PC access card system designed for cafes, coffee shops and other public access environments. Allows control, management and metering of access using smart cards. - http://www.icafecard.com/
Hotlink - Supplier of coin operated internet pay stations with secure software. Used in many backpackers hostels, hotels, motels troughout New Zealand. - http://www.hotlink.co.nz/
emachines.co.nz - Offers lease and sales of Linux-based coin-operated internet kiosks. Includes configuration descriptions and portfolio of current installations. - http://www.emachines.co.nz/
CyberDiner Internet Cafe Systems - Provides systems for internet cafes including installation, maintenance, training, and documentation. - http://www.cyberdiner.com/