Computer Clocks Wind Down - It's growing harder and more costly to make computer clocks work right. The solution may be to eliminate clocks. Benefits: more performance, reliability; lower cost. But commercialization will be hard. [Computerworld] -,10801,76931,00.html
It's Time for Clockless Chips - Computer chips without traditional clock face big barriers in coming into the mainstream; timeline, company list. [Technology Review] -
Time for the Clockless Computer Chip - Brief article explains why such processors promise more speed, safety, security, miniaturization. [Dataweek] -
Freeing Computers from the Constraints of Time - Time is running out for the clocks that make our computers tick as scientists develop a new generation of hardware and software based on the simpler designs of the 1950s. [SpaceDaily] -
Fulcrum Microsystems, Inc - Develops and sells chips and IP (intellectual property) for asynchronous logic circuits. California, USA. -
Theseus Logic, Inc. - Clockless electronics for power managed, low noise/EMI, secure and reusable circuits and systems. Florida, USA. -
Philips Gambit: Self-timing's Time is Here - Philips Research to spin off internal asynchronous chip design technology hoping for wide use in low-power devices. Internally called Tangram, now renamed Handshake Technology is a set of tools, cores, design expertise Philips used for over 10 years, sold -
Nanocomputer Skips Clock - With components maybe as small as individual molecules, such computers will likely need new designs. [Technology Research News] -
The Asynchronous Bibliography - Database on circuits, almost 2000 items, download formats: BiBTeX, HTML, PDF, PostScript. Page links: web pages and sites, conferences, produced chips. -
VLSI Research Group - Develops high-speed circuit technologies and design methods to enable novel architectures. Circuit technologies: asynchronous, low-power, communication links. Design methods: intellectual and computer-aided tools for design, implementation, test. [Sun Mic -
Asynchronous Logic - Basic explanation of idea and benefits, with publications; by researcher David A. Kearney, School of Computer and Information Science, University of South Australia. -
Asynchronous Processor - Technical block diagram with linked text description. -
World’s First Flexible 8-bit Asynchronous Processor - Developed by Seiko Epson, uses low-temperature polysilicon thin-film transistors (LTPS-TFTs) on plastic substrate, energy use down 70%, Epson is researching uses for it. [Electronic Design Europe] -
Caltech Asynchronous VLSI Group - Research focusing on methods and tools for designing high-performance and low-energy asynchronous digital circuits. Home of MiniMIPS asynchronous MIPS R3000 RISC processor. [Department of Computer Science, Caltech] -
MiniMIPS - Processor core based on MIPS I design, integrated in an FPGA, language is VHDL, speed is 50 MIPS. [LGPL,] -
Amulet - Series (1, 2e, 3, 3i) based on ARM design using micropipeline design style; released 1993; backwards instruction set compatible, runs extant binaries with no modification. [Advanced Processor Technologies Group, University of Manchester] -