I2C Interface Support in Windows - Describes the I2C interface support in the operating systems, which reduces the development requirements of video board manufacturers. - http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/archive/i2c.mspx
I2C Software Drivers - Drivers and information on I2C. - http://members.iinet.net.au/~daveb/downloads/i2c.html
I2C and ACCESS Bus - Technical resources and links from MCC Corp. - http://www.mcc-us.com/techsrc.htm
I²C-Bus for Linux - A simple 2-wire bus that allows micro-controllers and computers to connect to specialized IC's like videotext-decoders and DTMF generators. - http://voxel.at/prj/i2c/
I2C Interfacing via PC Parallel Port - It implements I2C master-mode by bit-banging a couple of lines on the PC parallel port. Includes C source portable for both Borland and Microsoft compilers as well as a PostScript schematic of the needed interface circuit. - http://www.hut.fi/~iisakkil/stuff.html